
时间:2023-11-29 20:06:56编辑:小周




1992年7月 获合肥工业大学土木工程系水工结构方向 硕士学位;

1996年11月 获中国科学技术大学 力学和机械工程系 固体力学方向 博士学位;

1996年 7月 至 2000年 6月 在中国科学技术大学 力学和机械工程系 任讲师;

2000年 6月 至 2005年12月 在中国科学技术大学 力学和机械工程系 任副教授;

2005年12月 至 今 在中国科学技术大学 力学和机械工程系 任教授;

其中 1998年2月至7月 在英国Cardiff大学 任访问学者;

1999年4月至2001年7月 德国Karlsruhe大学 任洪堡研究学者;








1) A fatigue life estimation algorithm based on Statistical Energy Analysis in high-frequency random processes - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE - - 0142-1123

2) FEM/wideband FMBEM coupling for structural-acoustic design sensitivity analysis - COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING - - 0045-7825

3) A simple a-posteriori error estimation for adaptive mesh refinement in elastic BEM (SCI and EI) - Computational Mechanics - 2003 - 30, 343-354

4) FEM/wideband FMBEM coupling for fluid-structure interaction problem and 2D acoustic design sensitivity analysis - CMES-COMP MODEL ENG - - 1526-1492

5) 一种位移传感器固定装置 - 专利授权号:ZL201320639943.X - -

6) A wideband FMBEM for 2D acoustic design sensitivity analysis based on direct differentiation method - COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS - - 0178-7675

7) Dynamic analysis of AT-cut quartz resonators with ANSYS (EI) - Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors - 2004 - Vol. 1-3: 95-98

8) A Multi-variable Non-singular BEM in 2D Potential Problem (EI) - Tsinghua Science and Technology - 2005 - 10(1), 43-50

9) Singular solutions of anisotropic plate with an elliptical hole or a crack (SCI) - Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica - 2005 - 18(2), 130-141

10) Active control of a structure with continuously closely spaced natural frequencies(SCI and EI) - Journal of Sound and Vibration - 2006 - 294(1-2), 15-22

11) A modified molecular structural mechanics method for analysis of carbon nanotubes (SCI) - Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics - 2006 - 19(3), 1-5

12) Dual error indicators for the local boundary integral equation method in 2D potential problems (SCI and EI) - Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements - 2006 - 30, 702u2013708

13) A novel kind of active resonator absorber and the simulation on its control effort - Journal of Sound and Vibration - 2007 - 300, 117-125

14) Further studies on edge waves in anisotropic elastic plates (SCI and EI) - International Journal of Solid and Structures - 2007 - 44, 2192-2208

15) An investigation of wave propagation with high wave numbers via the regularized LBIEM - CMES u2013 Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences - 2007 - 20(2), 85-98

16) Improved non-singular local boundary integral equation method - Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - 2007 - 28(8):1093-1099

17) Research of the natural frequency of single-walled carbon nanotube - Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics - 2007 - 20(5), 525-530

18) Application of dynamic vibration absorbers in structural vibration control under multi-frequency harmonic excitations - Applied Acoustics - 2008 - 69

19) Further studies on Stroh-type formalisms of flat plates with bending-extension coupling - Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica - 2007 - 20(4), 324-332

20) Thermoelastic damping in cylindrical shells with application to tubular oscillator structures - International Journal of Mechanical Sciences - 2008 - 50(3)

21) Analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes using a chemical bond element model - Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics - 2008 - 21(4)

22) 吸振器在浮筏上减振应用的有限元分析 - 实验力学 - 2008 - 23(5)

23) 半寿命低周疲劳Glidcop材料导热系数的测量 - 实验力学 - 2009 - 24(2):108-114

24) Application of dynamic vibration absorbers in floating raft system - Applied Acoustics - 2010 - 71: 250-257

25) Boundary element shape design sensitivity formulation of 3D acoustic problems based on direct differentiation of strongly-singular and hypersingular boundary integral equations - Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Eng - 2010 - 76(771), 2899-2908

26) Fatigue Life Prediction Strategies for High-Heat-Load Components - Key Engineering Materials - 2011 - 452-453: 789-792



(1) 成果I:针对边界元法中边界、近边界物理量计算精度降低的问题开展了深入研究,提出了若干新的计算格式,明显地改善了计算精度;进而发展了一套简便有效的用于网格自适应优化的后验误差估计方法。

(2) 成果II:结合某项目重点基金项目中的学科性基础问题,即橡胶材料在声振耦合中具有特别重要的地位而现今尚没有好的模拟分析方法的问题,基于新近发展的LBIEM无网格方法,提出正则化LBIEM列式,同时利用修正基,较好地解决了高波数Helmholtz问题数值分析精度降低的问题。

(3) 成果III:针对国家大科学工程LAMOST项目对焦面板的变形精度要求特别高的难题,利用ANSYS进行模拟分析,形成并应用弹性约束的思想,成功地设计了焦面板及其支撑结构,为该项目的顺利推进及在科大立项和实施起到了推动作用。

