主要从事粒子物理理论,尤其是重味物理唯象研究工作。首次引入张量、标量耦合解释了过程中的反常极化困惑,著名的的“ puzzle”问题和混合的反常大相位等问题。并首次完整地引入动力学胶子质量处理了QCDF方案中端点发散问题。近四年来,在相关领域共发表SCI论文13篇,其中在国际著名学术期刊JHEP (SCI一区期刊,影响因子:6.049)发表论文5篇,Phys. Rev. D (SCI一区期刊,影响因子:4.964)发表论文1篇,Nucl. Phys. B (影响因子:4.642)发表论文2篇和 Phys. Lett. B (影响因子:5.255)发表论文1篇。这些成果被国内外同行引用86次,其中部分重要成果被国际著名实验组BABAR的实验报告引用8次,CDF的实验报告引用1次。
Constraints on the anomalous tensor operators from and decays.
Qin Chang, Xin-Qiang Li, Ya-Dong Yang
JHEP 0706: 038, 2007. Cited: 20 times
Revisiting and Decays: Direct CP Violation and Implication for New Physics.
Qin Chang, Xin-Qiang Li, Ya-Dong Yang
JHEP 0809: 038, 2008. Cited: 12 times
Constraints on the non-universal couplings from and Decays.
Qin Chang, Xin-Qiang Li, Ya-Dong Yang
JHEP 0905: 056, 2009. Cited: 18 times
Family non-universal effects on mixing, and Decays.
Qin Chang, Xin-Qiang Li, Ya-Dong Yang
JHEP 1002: 082, 2010. Cited: 12 times
decays in a family non-universal model.
Qin Chang, Xin-Qiang Li, Ya-Dong Yang
JHEP 1004: 052, 2010. Cited: 8 times
Probe a family non-universal boson effects in decay.
Qin Chang, Yin-Hao Gao
Nucl. Phys. B845: 179-189, 2011. Cited: 3 time
The Effects of a Family Non-universal Boson in the Decays and mixing.
Qin Chang, Ya-Dong Yang
Nucl.Phys.B852:539-552,2011.. Cited: 1 time
Rare decay as a sensitive probe of light CP-odd Higgs in NMSSM.
Qin Chang, Ya-Dong Yang
Phys. Lett. B676: 88-93, 2009. Cited: 7 times
The effects of a family non-universal boson on decays.
Qin Chang, Xin-Qiang Li, Ya-Dong Yang
I Int.J.Mod.Phys.A26:1273-1294,2011. Cited: 3 times