
时间:2023-12-04 21:27:42编辑:小周




陈隆勋,研究员、博士生导师、享受国务院特殊津贴专家。1933年生于浙江宁波。1955年毕业于南京大学气象 系,随后工作于中国科学院地球物理研究所,1961年在中国科学院获硕士学位。1983至1985年期间分别工作在美国科罗拉多州立大学和夏威夷大学,1986年到中国气象科学研究院工作至今。1983-1995年任中美政府间合作季风研究项目中方首席科学家,1991-1999年中日政府间亚洲季风机制合作研究项目联络员兼中方技术组组长。历任国家自然科学基金会大气组和国家科技进步奖气象组评审委员,中国气象局科学技术委员会和高级职称评审委员会委员,中国气象学会热带气象专业委员会副主任和气候学专业委员会委员,海洋学报和应用气象学报编委。国家科委八五气候攻关、973项目“第二次青藏高原科学试验”和国家自然科学重大基金“长江三角洲低层大气化学和物理过程”专家委员会委员和课题组长,现为中国气象科学研究院科学指导委员会委员,南京信息工程大学和成都信息工程学院兼职教授,中国气象学会天气和极地专业委员会委员,“Advances of Atmospheric Sciences”、热带气象学报和气象科技编委。

他曾于1987年因“东亚大气环流研究”获国家自然科学奖一等奖(第四名)、1995年因“东亚季风研究”获国家自然科学奖二等奖(第一名)。此外还因季风和气候研究获国家气象局和国家教育委员会科学奖和科技进步奖二等奖各一次,三等奖一次。在长期的科学研究中他培养了许多博士和硕士,他们已经在国内外大气科学和管理领域为国家做出了贡献。目前他已发表百余篇学术论文,专著2部,编辑论文集6 部。


陈隆勋先生长期从事青藏高原气象学研究,为1998年第二次科学试验计划设计的主要专家之一,并为专家委员会成员。他与合作者一起提出计算大气热源的新方法,并计算了1961-1995年逐月和1979和1998年逐日的青藏高原大气热源,提出冬季青藏高原冷源强(弱)可以激发绕高原低空异常反气旋(气旋),从而激发异常赤道西风(东风),引起El Niño(La Niña)事件,提出了青藏高原热源变化影响全球气候的一个物理过程。此外,高原的逐日热源变化可以调整西太平洋副热带高压南北向振荡,进而影响中国夏季旱涝。



(1) Chen Longxun, Zhu Wenqin and Zhou Xiuji, 2000: Characteristics of environmental and climate change in ChangJiang Delta and its possible mechanism, Acta Meteorologica Sinica Vol. 14, No.2, 129-140

(2) Chen Longxun, Liu Jiping and Zhou Xiuji, 2000: Impact of uplift of Tibetan Plateau and change of land-ocean distribution on climate over Asia, Acta Meteorologica Sinica Vol.14, No.4, 459-474

(3) 陈隆勋, 赵平, 祝从文, 2000: 海陆气相互作用的准四年振荡机制, 气象科学, 第20卷, 第3期, 240-249

(4) 陈隆勋, 李薇, 赵平, 陶诗言,2000: 东亚地区夏季风爆发过程, 气候与环境研究, 第5卷, 第4期, 345-355

(5) 赵平, 陈隆勋, 2000: 青藏高原大气热量源汇在海―地―气相互作用准4年振荡中的作用, 科学通报, 第45卷, 第15期, 1666―1671

(6) Zhao Ping and Chen Longxun, 2000: The climate characteristics of surface turbulent exchange coefficient and surface heat source over the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, Acta Meteorologica Sinica Vol.14, No.1, 13-29

(7) Zhao Ping and Chen Longxun, 2000: The calculation of solar albedo and radiation balance and the analysis of their climate characteristics over the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.17, No.1, 140-156

(8) Zhu Yanfeng and Chen Longxun, 2000: Study on the quasi-four year oscillation of Air-Sea interaction, Acta Meteorologica Sinica Vol.14, No.3, 293-306

(9) 任小波, 陈隆勋, 2000: 海洋的季节变化及风应力异常对海洋影响的数值试验, 海洋学报, 第22卷, 第6期, 3-20

(10) Chen Longxun, Li Wei and Zhao Ping, 2001: Impact of winter thermal condition of the Tibetan Plateau on the zonal wind anomaly over equatorial Pacific, Science in China(Series D) Vol. 44 supp. p 400-409

(11) Chen Longxun, Li Wei and Zhao Ping, 2001: On the process of summer monsoon onset over East Asia, Acta Meteorologica Sinica. Vol.15, No.4:436-449

(12) Chen Longxun, Zhu Congwen and Wang Wen, 2001: Analysis of the characteristics of 30-60 day low frequency Oscillation over Asia during 1998 SCSMEX, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 18 No. 4 : 623-638

(13) Zhao Ping and Chen Longxun, 2001:Role of atmospheric heat source/sink over the Qinghai-xizang Plateau in Quasi-4 year oscillation of atmosphere-land-ocean interaction, Chinese Science Bulletin Vol. 46 N0. 3 : 241-245.

(14) Zhu Wenqin, Chen Longxun and Zhou Zijiang, 2001: Several characteristics of contemporary climate change in Tibetan Plateau, Science in China (Series D) Vol. 44 supp. p 410-420

(15) Zhao Ping and Chen Longxun, 2001:Interannal variability of atmospheric heat source/sink over the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau and its relation to circulation, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 18 No. 1: 106-112

(16) Li Wei and Chen Longxun , 2001: Characteristics of seasonal variation of rainfall over the Tibetan Plateau during summer 1998 and its impact on East Asian weather, Acta Meteorological Sinica Vol. 15 No. 3: 293-309

(17) Sun Xiurong, Chen Longxun and He Jinhai, 2001: Interannal variation of index of East Asian land-sea thermal difference and its relation to monsoon circulation and rainfall over China Acta Meteorological Sinica Vol. 15 No. 1:71-85

(18) Zhao Ping and Chen Longxun, 2001:Climatic features of atmospheric heat source/sink over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in 35 years and its relation to rainfall in China, Science in China(Series D) Vol. 44 supp. p 858-864

(19) Chen Longxun,LiWei,2002:Characteristics of the Seasonal variation of the Atmospheric Heat Sources and the Moisture Sinks over the Tibetan Plateau and its impact in 1998,The Second Plateau Experiment of Atmospheric Sciences(Tipex-Game/TIBET), China Meteorological Press, 183-186

(20) 牛涛, 陈隆勋, 王文,2002:青藏高原气候特征的REOF 分析,应用气象学报2002,13,5,560-570

(21) Zhu Yanfeng, Chen Longxun,2002:Relationship between the Asian/Austrilian monsoon and ENSO on a Quasi-four u2013year Scale,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Vol.19,No.4,727-740

(22) Li Wei,Chen Longxun 2002:Characteristics of the seasonal variation of rainy season over the Tibetan Plateau in 1998with its impact on East Asian weather,The Second Plateau Experiment of Atmospheric Sciences(Tipex-Game/TIBET), China Meteorological Press, 187-190

(23) Chen Longxun, Zhu Wenqin, Zhou Xiuji, Zhou Zijiang, 2003: Characteristics of the heat island effect in Shanghia and its possible mechanism. Advances in Atmos. Sciences. 20(6),991-1001

(24) Chen Longxun, Gao Hui, He Jinhai, Tao Shiyan and Jin Zuhui,2004: Zonal propagation of kinetic energy and convection in the South China Sea and Indian monsoon regions in boreal summer, Science in China Ser. D Earth Sciences ,47(12), 1076-1084

(25) 陈隆勋,周秀骥,李维亮,罗云峰和朱文琴,2004:中国近80年来气候变化特征及其形成机制,气象学报,62(5):634-647

(26) 朱艳峰,陈隆勋,宇如聪,2003:中国气候异常变化与ENSO准四年循环的联系分析,热带气象学报,19(4),345-356

(27) 周秀骥,李维亮,陈隆勋和刘煜,2004:青藏高原地区大气臭氧变化的研究,气象学报,62(5):513-527

(28) 丁一汇,李崇银,何金海,陈隆勋,甘子钧,钱永甫,阎俊岳,王东晓,施平,方文东,许建平和李立,2004:南海季风试验与东亚夏季风,气象学报,62(5):561-587

(29) 高辉,陈隆勋,何金海,陶诗言和金祖辉,2005:亚洲赤道地区大气动能的纬向传播,气象学报,63(1):1-8

(30) L.X. Chen, W.L. Li,W.Q. Zhu,X. J. Zhou,Z. J. Zhou and H. L. Liu,2006,Seasonal trends of climate change in the Yangtze River Delta and its adjacent regions and their formation mechanisms, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 92(1-2),11-24

(31) L.X. Chen, W. Q. Zhu, B. Zhang, X.J. Zhou, Y.F. Luo, Z.J. Zhou, 2006: Variation of atmospheric aerosol optical depth and its relationship with climate change in China east of 100°E in recent 50 years. Accepted by Theoretical and Applied Climatology


