
时间:2023-12-05 17:54:29编辑:小周


陈二才,男,教授,博士生导师,理学博士, 1963年6月出生于江苏省丹阳市。 1985年7月大学毕业于南京师范大学数学系,获理学学士学位。2001到2003年在德霾┦酷嵫芯抗ぷ鳌


1985年7月大学毕业后留在南京师范大学工作至今。1991年7月研究生毕业于南京师范大学基础数学专业,获理学硕士学位。1992年9月至1995年7月在中国科技大学大学数学系攻读博士学位。 1995年9月至1997年12月在南京大学天文系做博士后。 2001年11月至2003年6月在德国科隆大学进行博士后工作研究。


主要从事动力系统,分形几何的研究。 主持中国博士后基金一项,国家自然科学基金二项;参加一项 "973"项目。


1. The w-limit sets of continuous circle maps, J. of Nanjing Normal University (Natural Science),13(4)(1990), 14-21  2. On the existence of odd periodic orbits for a class unimodal maps of the interval, J. of Nanjing Normal University (Natural Science), 14(4)(1991), 32-34  3. Chaos caused by a strong-mixing measure-preserving transformation, Science in China,  40(1997), 253-260 (with Xiong Jincheng)  4. Dimension and measure theoretic entropy of a subshift in symbolic space, Chinese Science  Bulletin, 42(1997), 1193-1196 (with Xiong Jincheng)  5. Chaos for the Sierpinski Carpet., J. of Stat. Phy., 88(1997), 979-984  6. On the pointwise dimension of self-similar measures, Chinese Science Bulletin, 43(1998),  2162-2166 (with Xiong Jincheng)  7. Dimension, entropy and exponents for dynamical systems in metric space, Proceedings of the International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Peking University, World Scienti c, 1999,  6-10  8. The chaotic behavior of a mixing measure-preserving transformation, Nonlinear Analysis:  Theory, Methods, and Applications, 42(2000), 1195-1202  9. A note on the local dimension of self-similar measure satisfying the SOSC, Advance in  Mathematics (China), 30(2001), 252-257 (with Y.S. Sun)  10. Chaos for expanding maps, J. of Nanjing Normal University (Natural Science), 2003, 40-44  11. Hausdor dimension of sub-self-similar sets, J. of University of Science and Technology of China, 34(2004)  12. The pointwise dimension of self-similar measures in complete metric space, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 22(2004), 641-651  13. Topological entropy for divergence points, Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys., 25(2005), 1173-1208  (with Tassilo Jupper, Shu lin)  14. Multifractal analysis of local entropies for recurrence time, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 33(2007), 1584-1591 (with Yan Zhengzheng)  15. High-dimensional multifractal analysis of local entropies, Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 28(2008), 40-50 (with Yan Zhengzheng)  16. Upper estimates on the higher-dimensional multifractal spectrum of local entropy, Northeast. Math. J., 24(6)(2008), 471-484 (with Yan Zhengzheng)  17. Dimension and measure of admissible kneading sequences with product metric, Acta Mathe-  matica Sinica, Chinese Series, 52(6)(2009), 1207-1210 (with Aihua Zhang)  18. Pre-image variational principle for bundle random dynamical systems, Discrete and Contin-uous Dynamical Systems, 23(2009), 957-972 (with Xianfeng Ma)  19. Variational principle for subadditive sequence of potentials in bundle random dynamical  systems, Stochatics and Dynamics, 9(2009), 205-215 (with Xianfeng Ma)  20. Pre-image variational principle for subadditive sequence functions, Communications in Math-ematical Research, 3(2009), 231240 (with Xianfeng Ma)  21. On the variational principle for the topological pressure., Sci China Math. , 53(4)(2010), 1117-1128 (with Yu Pei )   22. A relative local variational principle for topological pressure, Sci China Math. , 53(6)(2010), 1491-1506 (with Xianfeng Ma)  23. Thermodynamic formalism for subadditive sequence of discontinuous functions, Analysis in Theory and Applications , 26(2)(2010), 174-185 (with Xianfeng Ma)   24. Upper estimate on multifractal spectrum of local dimension for recurrence time, J. of Nanjing Normal University (Natural Science Edition) , 34(1)(2011), 29-34 (with Zhenzhen Yan, Lei Li)   25. Tail pressure and the tail entropy function, Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. , 32(4)(2012), 1400-1417 (with Yuan Li, Wen-Chiao Cheng )   26. Projection pressure and Bowen’s equation for a class of self-similar fractals with overlap structure, Sci China Math. , 55(7)(2012), 1387-1394 (with Chenwei Wang)   27. Variational principles for BS dimension of subsets, Dynamical Systems , 27(3)(2012), 359-385 (with Chenwei Wang)   28. Packing entropy and divergence points, Dynamical Systems , 27(3)(2012), 387-402 (with Xi- aoyao Zhou, Wen-Chiao Cheng)  29. Topological pressure of historic set for Zd-actions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications , 389(1)(2012), 394-402 (with Xiaoyao Zhou)   30. Variational inequality for conditional pressure on a Borel subset, Paci_c Journal of Mathe-matics , 256(1)(2012), 151-164 (with Yuan Li, Wen-Chiao Cheng )   31. The projection pressure for asymptotically weak separation condition and Bowen’s equation, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society , doi:10.1155/2012/807405 (2012) (with Chenwei Wang)   32. A local variational principle for random bundle transformations, Stochastics and Dynamics , 13(3)(2013) Doi: 10.1142/S0219493712500232 (with Xianfeng Ma)

