方岽清,亚洲国际爱乐乐团驻团作曲家,北京大学中乐学社驻团作曲家。中央电视台外交事业60周年文艺晚会音乐总监,中央电视台综艺频道澳门大型综艺晚会音乐总监。曾获:第五届中国音乐“金钟奖”头奖第一名;“上海之春”国际作曲比赛第一名。担任亚洲国际爱乐乐团驻团作曲家;北京大学中乐学社驻团作曲家;美国TCU国际大提琴艺术节特邀艺术家;中央电视台外交事业60周年文艺晚会音乐总监;中央电视台综艺频道澳门大型综艺晚会音乐总监;中央电视台2015“海峡艺术家”音乐会音乐总监;中央音乐学院继续教育学院培训中心教师;中央音乐学院考级委员会常任评委。也是Leica Artist CN 的高级会员。人物经历
作为中国当代最为活跃的青年作曲家,方岽清创作领域广泛涉及交响乐、舞剧、室内乐、器乐作品、声乐作品、民族音乐、电视大型晚会、影视音乐等大量不同题材、类型的音乐。他的作品经常上演于美国、德国、英国、意大利、波兰、加拿大、日本、台湾等地的著名国际音乐节以及意大利罗马喷泉剧院、英国爱丁堡RID HALL音乐厅、苏格兰皇家教堂(始建于1688年)、美国(始建于1873年)的ED LENDRETH HALL音乐厅以及北京国家大剧院、人民大会堂、上海东方艺术中心、深圳大剧院、广州星海音乐厅等众多国内外顶级音乐殿堂。其个人代表作品《手眼身法步》与《林冲》先后摘得两个国家级音乐大奖桂冠――第五届中国音乐最高奖项“金钟奖”银奖(金奖空缺)和 “上海之春”国际音乐节作曲比赛第一名。其中,《手眼身法步》更是作为当代大提琴经典之作被收录在《国家百年经典音乐典藏“室内乐”卷》项目中,一举成为该项目中入选最年轻的作曲家;他的另外几十部作品也曾获得中国“炎黄杯”室内乐作曲比赛第一名;中国国际2004声乐比赛创作组银奖;“帕拉天奴”杯中国音乐钢琴创作大赛第三名;“音乐创作”杯全国室内乐作曲比赛第一名;中国“新世纪杯”艺术歌曲创作比赛优秀歌曲奖;TMSK中国室内乐作曲比赛优秀作品奖;中央音乐学院“211精品室内乐工程奖”;中国国家体育总局颁发“2011全民健身优秀歌曲”等众多艺术奖项。被誉为中国青年一代最具实力的作曲家。
众多媒体都对方岽清进行专题访谈和节目录制,包括中国中央电视台、新华社、中华文化画报、美国中文电视台、北京人民广播电台、新华网文化栏目、网易、爱奇艺、优酷网、新浪影音、搜孤音乐、腾讯娱乐、中国古筝音乐网、河北新闻网等… …
2010年7月,由加拿大皇家山音乐学院晨兴国际音乐机构(Morningside Music Bridge Mount Royal University)委约方岽清的交响乐队作品《中国城》,成功上演于加拿大卡尔加里晨兴国际音乐节,并由国际唱片公司MKiDN现场录音全球发行。
2012年秋季,方式接受英国爱丁堡大学邀请,与北京大学中乐学社民族管弦乐团一起赴英国进行学术交流活动,在有着百年历史的Rid Hall音乐厅和始建于1688年的苏格兰皇家教堂,分别上演了方岽清创作的钢琴协奏曲《润·秋》和久演不衰的古筝作品《风雾潺》,获得空前轰动。英国BBC国家电视台等国际媒体进行了全面跟踪报道。
2013年冬季,方岽清为大型电视剧《海上孟府》(导演:张挺 主演:段奕宏、陈冲、廖凡、曾江)创作了全部音乐。同年春季,方式的大型室内乐作品《醉八仙》由国际著名大提琴演奏家Castro Balbi Jesus与钢琴家Gloria Lin进行了中国首演,从而拉开了这首作品2013美国巡演的序幕。同年,由方岽清担任音乐监制的电影《让熊猫飞》入选第29届华沙国际电影节竞赛单元,并在波兰华沙首映。
2014年,由中国国家芭蕾舞团与北京舞蹈学院联合委约方岽清的第二部芭蕾舞剧《偃师》,成功在天桥剧院首演,并于同年冬季在北京舞蹈学院院庆再度上演。同年夏季,方岽清完成了大型电视剧《我们光荣的日子》(导演:于淼淼 主演:柯蓝)全部原创音乐,由中国爱乐乐团完成首度录音。11月15日,方岽清最新民族器乐作品《冬虫·夏草》(为古筝与29弦筝箜篌和打击乐而作)由香港国际箜篌协会与中央音乐学院民乐系联合委约,中国著名青年古筝演奏家苏畅领衔、亮相中国中央音乐学院第二届弹拨音乐节,获得巨大轰动。之后这部作品又在2015年不断上演,刷新民族音乐新作品高演出率的记录。
作为一直致力于国际化、社会化音乐交流的音乐家,方岽清不断接受加拿大MorningsideMusic Bridge Mount Royal University、中华人民共和国文化部、中华人民共和国外交部、亚洲国际爱乐乐团、北京现代音乐节、中国中央电视台、中国国家体育总局、中国国家芭蕾舞团、北京大学中乐学社等大型机构以及全世界优秀音乐家的委约为其创作音乐作品。加拿大皇家山音乐学院院长,著名音乐家Paul Dornian曾评论道:我认为方岽清是一个非常有天赋的作曲家,毫无疑问他笔下的音乐具有很强的可听性和完美的戏剧性结构。
《3 Piece for Orchestea》
II. 哈巴涅拉
III. 托卡塔
《我爱这土地》 2007
《Motherland》(for Elocutionist andOrchestra)
《放飞的梦想》(交响乐队作品 为中央音乐学院附中60周年而作) 2012
《梦幻的爱》 2008
《Love ofFantasy》
《车窗上的霜》 2007
《Frost onthe Window》
《冬之歌》 2008
《Romanza forWinter》
《林冲》 2009
I. 踏雪
II. 杀戮
III. 夜奔
《手眼身法步》 2005
《PekingOpera Figures》
I. 手
II. 眼
III. 身法步
《摩尔莆斯之歌》 2008
《Morpheus》(for Cello and Piano)
《飞翔》(For 9 Cellos) 2010
《Sick for home》
《Never sayFarewell》
《Wing of Love》
《虫儿飞》(大提琴改编版) 2010
《Dancing Elfins》
《无字的碑文》(大提琴协奏曲) 2010
《齿轮》 2002
《Gear Wheel》(forPiano)
《取景器里的世界》(钢琴组曲) 2003
《The World inViewfinder》(Suite for Piano)
I. 冬―― 窗外·雪
II. 夏―― 晚祷
III. 秋―― 红叶
IV. 春―― 飘
《中国象棋》(钢琴组曲) 2004
《China Chess》(Suite for Piano)
I. 将帅之争
II. 马踏联营
III. 兵刃相见
IV. 相之谋
V. 车之行
《往事2007》 2007
《Bygone 2007》(Variation for Piano)
I. 听妈妈讲故事
II. 清晨的一缕阳光
III. 上学路上
IV. 听雨
V. 树林中的玫瑰与百合
《三首钢琴小品》 2004――2006
《3 Piece for Piano》
I. 花之歌
II. 两岁的玫瑰
III. 无题
《Miss you…》 2009
《Iu2019m Sorry》2008
《润·秋》 2012
《卡尔顿山上》 2012
《风 雾 潺》
第三届“TMSK”中国室内乐作曲比赛优秀作品奖 2009
《Wind. Fog. Rill》(for Chinese Guzheng solo)
I. 风
II. 雾
III. 潺
《秋之旋》(古筝与弦乐队) 2010
《墨客》(古筝独奏) 2010
《冰火之舞》(古筝与弦乐队打击乐) 2011
《飞天》(古筝独奏) 2012
《禅宗三境》(大型古筝协奏曲) 2013 ―― 2015
《瓷·器》(古筝独奏) 2015
《兰陵王》(大型古筝协奏曲) 2015 ―― 2016
《Fairy Tale ofGelin 3 Piece》( Tiro forSaxphone.Vc and Piano)
I. 汉斯尔与葛莱特的舞蹈
II. 美丽的森林
III. 七个斯瓦比亚人
《红、蓝、白》(为单簧管、大提琴与钢琴而作) 2004
《Red.Blue.White》(Tiro for Cl.Vc and Piano)
I. 白
II. 蓝
III. 红
《让梦飞翔》(为男高音、童声合唱与乐队而作) 2008
《 》(For Tenor Chior and Orchestra)
《弦上的舞蹈》(为小提琴与钢琴而作) 2002
《Dance on thestring》(for Violin andPiano)
《定坤剑法》(为管子与3件民乐器而作) 2003
《Dingkun Swordman》(Folk Chamber)
《枫叶的旅程》(钢琴与弦乐队) 2009
《中国城I&II》(钢琴与弦乐队) 2010
2010年加拿大Morningside Music Bridge MountRoyal University“晨兴”国际音乐交流活动委约作品
I. 西湖龙井
II. 皮影戏
《醉八仙》(为琵琶、大提琴与钢琴而作) 2013
《代秋扇词》(为二胡、钢琴、打击乐与西洋弦乐队) 2015
《晨曦》(艺术歌曲·普希金词) 2002
《Early morrning》(Art Song· Poem by )
《小巷》(艺术歌曲·顾城词) 2002
《Alley》(Art Song· Poem by Gu cheng)
《漫山花》(艺术歌曲·方岽清词) 2005
《全民健身总动员》(体育歌曲·李利国词) 2011
《化学是你 化学是我》(公益歌曲·周其凤词) 2011
《传·爱》(中央电视台海外传媒中心之歌) 2012
《遇见你》(公益歌曲·苏柳词) 2014
《大宅》(电影原声音乐) 2007
《Greatness House》(Film Music)
I. 片头·字幕
II. 甜蜜的回忆
III. 奔逃与追逐
IV. 涉江
V. 杀机
VI. 惊悚与紧张
VII. 伤感的离别
VIII. 田野上的自行车
IX. 美好的憧憬
X. 主题歌《最美是家乡》
《Burning! Coal!》(Film Music)
I. 遥远的夜空
II. 自己的旅程
III. 穿过
IV. 讲述
V. 孩子的背影
VI. 片尾
《轮胎》(微电影音乐) 2012
《让熊猫飞》(电影音乐监制) 2012
《海上孟府》(大型电视剧·张挺导演·陈冲、段奕宏、廖凡主演) 2013
《我们光荣的日子》(大型电视剧·于淼淼导演、柯蓝主演) 2014
《胡笳十八拍》(中国国家芭蕾舞团第三届WORKSHOP委约作品,2012中国文化部优秀剧目展演奖) 2012
《家乡》(山东省德洲市杂技团委约作品·与李彦汶合作) 2012
中央电视台外交事业60周年文艺晚会音乐总监 2008
中央电视台综艺频道澳门大型综艺晚会音乐总监 2010
中央电视台2015海峡艺术家音乐会音乐总监 2015
加拿大皇家山音乐学院院长,著名音乐家―― Paul Dornian
Winnerof the First Prize in the 5th Session of Golden Bell Award for Music
TheFirst Prize in International Composition Contest during Shanghai Spring International Music Festival
DistinguishedComposer in Residence of Asia Philharmonic Orchestra
DistinguishedComposer in Residence of Peking University Chinese Music Institute
Specially Invited Artist in TCU InternationalCello Art Festival of America
Music Director of Evening Gala for Celebrating the 60thAnniversary of Diplomatic Undertaking Held by China Central Television (CCTV)
Music Director of Large-scale Evening Gala inMacao Held by Variety Channel of CCTV
Teacher of Training Center, Continuing Music Education College,Central Conservatory of Music
Permanent Judge of Grade Committee, Central Conservatory of Music
Name:Fang Dongqing
Dateof Birth: November 27
Professions:Composer and Photographer
Universityof Graduation: Central Conservatory of Music
RepresentativeWorks: Symphony, Dance Drama, Chamber Music, Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, Chorus,National Music, Large-scale TV Evening Gala, Music for Film and TV Drama and aLarge Number of Music Works in Different Themes and Genres.
Main Achievements:
Silver Award inthe 5th Session of Golden Bell Award for Music, the Top Award forChinese Music (The Gold Award is Left Vacant)
The First Prizein Composition Contest during ShanghaiSpring International Music Festival in 2010
The First Prize in the 4thSession of Yanhuang Cup Chamber MusicComposition Contest of China
Prizeof Excellent Work in TMSK CompositionContest for Chamber Music Works of China
Prize of Excellent Music Workin New Century Cup Artistic SongComposition Contest of China
The 3rd Prize in Palatino Awards for Piano MusicComposition Contest of China
Title of Excellent Song for Nationwide FitnessProgram in 2011 Awarded by General Administration of Sport of China
Prize ofExcellent Work in 211 Fine Chamber Music Project of Central Conservatory of Music
MusicWorks are Selected and Included intoCollection of Classic Music of Chinain 100 Years, a Key Project of China
Appointed ImageAmbassador for Harbin Welfare Lottery Undertaking in 2012
Specially InvitedArtist in TCU International Cello Art Festival of America
Main Representative Works:
Symphony:Chinatown, WordlessInscription on Stele
DanceDrama: Yanshi, Asian Copper--Unity of Nature and Human Beings, Hometown, Eighteen Passages Played with Nomad Flute
InstrumentalMusic: Lin Chong, Five Techniques in Chinese Operas, Nugeirile--Folk Dance of Ewenki People, Drunken Master, Song ofWinter, Wings of Love, Moist--Autumn
VocalMusic: Thinking of You Occasionally, Classroomof Life, Heading to the Glory, Calling You Teacher, Encountering You, That Sad Song
NationalInstrumental Music: Wind, Fog and Rill, Literates, When Clouds Rise, Danceof Ice and Fire, Charm of Autumn, Cordyceps Sinensis, Three States of Zen Buddhism, Dunhuang--Flying Apsaras
TV& Film Music: Mengu2019s Palace, BurningCoal, Our Glorious Days, etc.
Sina Weibo: http://weibo.com/xiaofangart “小方艺术家生涯” (Xiao Fang u2019s Career as an Artist)
A Brief Introduction to Composer FangDongqing:
As one of the most active and dynamic composers incontemporary China, Fang Dongqing engages in composition of a large number ofmusic works in different themes and genres such as symphony, dance drama,chamber music, instrumental music, vocal music, national music, large-scalenight gala on TV as well as film and TV music. His music works were alwaysperformed during famous international music festivals held in the US, Germany,the UK, Italy, Poland, Japan and Taiwan as well as put on the stage of manytop-notch concert halls at home and abroad, including Fountain Theater in Romeof Italy, Rid Hall in the UK, Royal Chapel of Scotland (founded in 1688), ED LENDRETH HALL (founded in1873) in the US as well as National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing,Shanghai Oriental Art Center, ShenzhenGrand Theatre, Xinghai Concert Hall in Guangzhou, etc. His representative worksFive Techniquesin Chinese Operas and LinChong won two state-level top prizes for the music field, namely SilverAward in the 5th Golden BellAward for Music (The Gold Award is Left Vacant) -- the top award forChinese music and the First Prize in International Composition Contest during Shanghai Spring International MusicFestival, in which Five Techniques inChinese Operas, as a classic piece of contemporary cello music work, wasselected and included in Volume of ChamberMusic, Collection of Classic Music of China in 100 Years and made FangDongqing the youngest composer whose music work was selected and included intothe project. Moreover, he was awarded with various art prizes for dozens ofmusic works other than the abovementioned works, including First Prize in Yanhuang Cup Chamber Music CompositionContest of China, the Silver Award for Composition Category in ChinaInternational Vocal Competition in 2004, the 3rd Prize in PalatinoAwards for Piano Music Composition Contest of China, the 1st Prizein Music Composition National ChamberMusic Composition Contest, Prize of Excellent Work in New Century Cup Artistic Song Composition Contest of China, Prizeof Excellent Work in TMSK Composition Contest for Chamber Music Works of China,Prize of Excellent Work in 211 FineChamber Music Project of Central Conservatory of Music, title of Excellent Song for Nationwide Fitness Programin 2011 awarded by General Administration of Sport of China, etc.
Special interviews and programs about Fang Dongqingwere produced and broadcasted by many media, including China Central Television(CCTV), Xinhua News Agency, Chinese Culture Pictorial, Sinovision, http://baike.baidu.com/,cultural column at http://www.xinhuanet.com/, http://www.iqiyi.com/, http://www.youku.com/,http://ent.sina.com.cn/, http://music.yule.sohu.com/, http://ent.qq.com/, http://www.51zheng.com/,http://www.hebnews.cn/, etc.
InOctober 2007, carrying his music work FiveTechniques in Chinese Operas, Fang Dongqing, on behalf of Central Conservatory of Music,conducted academic exchange with Yo-Yo Ma and The Silk Road Ensemble andachieved great success. In November 2008, Nugeirile-- Folk Dance of Ewenki People (trio version), another representative workof Fang Dongqing, was performed by David Geringas during tour performances inGermany and Japan, which was later premiered in Shenzhen Grand Theatre of Chinaand achieved a great success.
Since being awarded with the Prizeof Excellent Work in TMSK Liu Tianhua Award International Composition Contestfor Folk Music and Instrumental Music for his music work Wind, Fog and Rill for Chinese zither in 2007, Fang Dongqing hasbeen maintaining a great state in composition and a high frequency ofperformance at concerts. In recent years, he completed the composition ofseveral music works for Chinese zither in succession including When Clouds Rise, Literates, Charm of Autumn,Dance of Ice and Fire, Dunhuang--Flying Apsaras, CordycepsSinensis and Three States of Zen Buddhism,which were performed around the world and deemed to be preferred modern musicworks performed at concerts by contemporary Chinese zither performers andtouchstones for testing modern musicianship for Chinese zither performance.
After Concertof Fang Dongqingu2019s Music Works was specially reported by CCTV Music Channelin 2008, 10 pieces of music works composed by Fang Dongqing were selected byCCTV and broadcasted in a TV program of CCTV Music Channel named Let Music Tell You.
From 2009 to 2010, Fang Dongqing acted as musicdirector for two large-scale evening galas, namely Evening Gala for Celebratingthe 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Undertaking held by CCTV and Cheering for the 2010 Asian Games inMacao held by Variety Channel of CCTV, and re-arranged and re-produced manyclassic songs and music of many countries around the world, which were successfullyput on the stage of the Great Hall of the People for party and state leadersand diplomatic envoys from various countries.
In 2009, music scores of Fang Dongqingu2019s works werepublished by Peopleu2019s Music Publishing House as the exclusive agency.
In July 2010, Chinatown,a music work for symphony orchestra composed by Fang Dongqing based on thecommission of Morningside Music Bridge Mount Royal University in Canada, wassuccessfully performed during Morningside Music Bridge International MusicFestival held in Calgary, Canada, which was live recorded and globally releasedby MKiDN, an international recordcompany.
In September 2011, Asian Copper, Unity of Nature and Human Beings, a large-scale dancedrama combining poetry and music for which Fang Dongqing composed music worksbased on commission of Ministry of Culture of the Peopleu2019s Republic of China, was successfullyput on the stage of FountainTheater in Rome of Italy, laying a solid foundation for Fang Dongqing inheading to the international stage.
In spring of 2012, an album named Qing plus Cello composed by FangDongqing was released by China Record Corporation synchronously at home andabroad. This album was jointly created and produced by Fang Dongqing and Ms. NaMula, a leading cellist, famous educator and performer in China, which servedas the first and a pioneer album of original cello music in China. In the sameyear, Fang Dongqing was specially invited to be a composer of Eighteen Passages Played with Nomad Flutefor the 3rd Session of Workshop Held by The National Ballet of China,who composed and produced all music works for the dance drama.
In autumn of 2012, at the invitation of TheUniversity of Edinburgh in the UK, Fang Dongqing and National Orchestra underPeking University Chinese Music Institute went to the UK to engage in academicexchange activities and performed piano concerto Moist--Autumn and well-received music work for Chinese zither Wind, Fog and Rill composed by FangDongqing in Rid Hall with 100 years ofhistory and Royal Chapel of Scotland founded in 1688, which created anunprecedented sensation there. International media including BBC conducted acomprehensive coverage about the abovementioned performances.
In winter of 2013, Fang Dongqing completed thecomposition of all music works used in a large-scale TV drama called Mengu2019s Palace (Director: Zhang Ting;Starring: Duan Yihong and Chen Chong). In spring of the same year, large-scalechamber music work Drunken Master composedby Fang Dongqing was premiered in China by well-know cellist Castro Balbi Jesusand pianist Gloria Lin, which kicked off the tour performance of this piece of work in theUS in 2013. In the same year, Let PandaFly, a film for which Fang Dongqing served as Music Supervisor, wasselected and included into competition during the 29th Warsaw FilmFestival and premiered in Warsaw, Poland.
In summer of 2013, representative works of FangDongqing including Nugeirile--Folk Dance of Ewenki People and Sick for Home (Cello Version) wereselected and performed in a series of concerts named Glory Blossoms, a high-end music platform of China CentralTelevision, which were performed in China Theater with famous Chinese cellistNa Mula as the head performer and synchronously broadcasted around the globe.Meanwhile, as art/music director, Fang Dongqing cooperated with China RecordCorporation for the second time and produced Chinau2019s first audio-visual collectionof romantic music plus record Vision ofFang Dongqing, audio-visual collection of Fang Dongqingu2019s works. Inaddition, heading a top-notch music production team in Asia, Fang Dongqingcomposed a large-scale song for public benefit named Calling You Teacher (lyrics by Su Liu)
In 2014, Yanshi,the second ballet composed by Fang Dongqing based on joint commission of The National Ballet of China andBeijing Dance Academy, was successfully premiered in Tianqiao Theater and puton the stage of Beijing Dance Academy once more in the winter of the same year.In the summer of 2014, Fang Dongqing completed the composition of all originalmusic works for large-scale TV drama named OurGlorious Days, which were firstly recorded by China Philharmonic Orchestra.Cordyceps Sinensis (for Chinesezither, 29-string Konghou and percussion music), the latest nationalinstrumental music work composed by Fang Dongqing was performed on November 15during the 2nd Session of Music Festival for Plucked StringInstruments held by Central Conservatory of Music, creating a sensation.
As a musician committing tointernational and social music exchange, Fang Dongqing has been composingcommissioned music works for excellent musicians and large-scale institutionsaround the world, including Morningside Music Bridge Mount Royal University inCanada, Ministry of Culture of the Peopleu2019s Republic of China, Ministry ofForeign Affairs of the Peopleu2019s Republic of China, Asia Philharmonic Orchestra,Beijing Modern Music Festival, China Central Television, General Administrationof Sport of China, The National Ballet of China, Peking University ChineseMusic Institute, etc.
Main Music Works of Fang Dongqing
MusicWorks for Symphony Orchestra
Three Short Pieces of Music Composed for SymphonyOrchestra 2006
I.Opening Music and Fantasia
II. Habanera
III. Toccata
I Love the Land 2007
Commissioned Work for Beijing Modern Music Festival in 2007
Wordless Inscription on Stele (Cello ConcertoCo-played with Orchestra)2010
FlyingDream (Work for Symphony Orchestra Composed for Celebrating the 60th Anniversary ofCentral Conservatory of Music Middle School) 2012
CelloMusic Works
Nugeirile --Folk Dance of Ewenki People2009
Awarded with Prize of ExcellentWork in 211 Fine Chamber Music Project of Central Conservatory of Music
Fantastic Love 2008
Frost on the Window 2007
Romanza forWinter2008
Silent Night 2005
Lin Chong2009
Awarded with the First Prize inInternational Composition Contest during ShanghaiSpring International Music Festival in 2010
Lin Chong
I. Tramping in the Snow
II. Killing
III. Fleeing at Night
Five Techniques in Chinese Operas 2005
Awarded with Silver Award in Golden Bell Award for Music in 2005 (TheGold Award is Left Vacant)
I. Gestures
II. Expressions
III. Figures, Footwork and Methods
Song for Morpheus2008
Awarded with Prize of Excellent Work in International Composition Contestduring Shanghai Spring International Music Festival in 2010
Flying (For 9 Cellos) 2010
Sick for Home 2010
Never Say Farewell2011
Wings of Love 2011
Dancing Elfins (Revised Cello Music) 2010
Wordless Inscription on Stele (CelloConcerto) 2010
PianoMusic Works
Gear Wheel 2002
Awarded the Prize of Excellent Work in the Second Session of Yanhuang Cup Composition Contest ofChina
The World in Viewfinder (Suite for Piano)2003
I. Winter -- Outside the Window--Snow
II. Summer -- Evening Prayer
III. Autumn -- Red Autumnal Leaves
IV. Spring -- Fluttering
Chinese Chess (Suite for Piano) 2004
I. Fight between General and Commander in Chief
II. Attacking the Opponentu2019s Base Camp
III. Fighting with Weapons
IV. Strategies of Minister
V. Movements of Chariot
The Past 2007 2007
Awarded with the 3rd Prize in the 1st Session of Palatino Awards International CompositionContest
I. Listening Stories Told by Mom
II. A Ray of Sunshine in the Early Morning
III. On the Way to School
IV. Listening to the Rain
V. Roses and Lilies in the Forest
Three Short Pieces of Piano Music from 2004 to 2006
I. Song of Flowers
II. Two-year-old Roses
III. No Title
Miss you…2009
Iu2019m Sorry 2008
Moist--Autumn 2012
Specially Commissioned Work for Tour Performance in the UK by National Orchestraunder Peking University Chinese Music Institute in 2012
On the Calton Hill2012
Specially Commissioned Work for Tour Performance in the UK by National Orchestraunder Peking University Chinese Music Institute in 2012
MusicWorks for Chinese Zither
Wind, Fog and Rill
Awarded with the Prize of Excellent Work in the 3rd Sessionof TMSK Composition Contest forChamber Music Works of China2009
I. Wind
II. Fog
III. Rill
When Clouds Rise (For Chinese Zither and 13Performers)2009
Charm of Autumn (For Chinese Zither and StringOrchestra)2010
Literates (ChineseZither Solo) 2010
Dance of Ice and Fire (For Chinese Zither and PercussionMusic Played by String Orchestra)2011
Flying Apsaras (Chinese Zither Solo)2012
Three States of ZenBuddhism (Large-scale Chinese Zither Concerto) from 2013 to 2014
Cordyceps Sinensis (Large-scale Chinese ZitherEnsemble) 2014
ChamberMusic Works
Three Pieces ofMusic about Grimms’ Fairy Tales (For Saxophone, Cello and Piano) 2005
I. Dance of Hansel & Gretel
II. Beautiful Forest
III. The Seven Swabians
Red, Blue and White (For Clarinet, Cello andPiano) 2004
Awarded with the First Prize inthe 4th Session of YanhuangCup Chamber Music Composition Contest of China
I. White
II. Blue
III. Red
Flying Dream (ForTenor, Children’s Chorus and Orchestra) 2008
Dance on Strings (For Violin and Piano) 2002
Awarded with the 3rdPrize for Instrumental Music Category in MusicComposition National Chamber Music Composition Contest in 2003
Dingkun Swordsmanship (For Tartar Pipeand Three Folk Musical Instruments)2003
Selected Work in International Folk Music Works Contest Held by Council for Cultural Affairs of Taiwanin 2003
Journey of Maple Leaves (For Piano and String Orchestra)2009
Chinatown I & II (For Piano and String Orchestra)2010
Commissioned Work for MorningsideInternational Music Exchange Activities of Morningside Music Bridge MountRoyal University of Canada in 2010
I. West Lake Longjing Tea
II. Shadow Play
Drunken Master (For Lute, Cello andPiano) 2013
The First Rays of the Sun (Artistic Song;Lyrics by Alexander Pushkin) 2002
Awarded with the Second Prize for Composition Category in ChinaInternational Vocal Competition in 2004
Alley (Artistic Song; Lyrics by Gu Cheng)2002
Awarded with the Title of Excellent Work for Composition Category in ChinaVocal Competition in 2004
FlowersAll over the Mountains and Plains (Artistic Song;Lyrics by Fang Dongqing) 2005
Awarded with the Prize of Excellent Work in New Century Cup Artistic Song Composition Contest of Chinese Music
Classroom of Life (Songfor Public Benefit; Lyrics by Zhao Chengying) 2008
Awarded with Nomination as PublicBenefit Song for Earthquake Relief Effort in 2008
Flying Apsaras(Artistic Song; Lyrics by Ami) 2009
Singing another Song for You(Military Song; Lyrics by Ami) 2010
General Mobilization for NationwideFitness Program (Sport-themed Song; Lyrics by LiLiguo)2011
Awarded with Excellent Work ofthe Year by General Administration of Sport of China in 2011
Chemistry is You and Me (Songfor Public Benefit; Lyrics by Zhou Qifeng) 2011
Media--Love(Theme Song of CCTV Oversea Media Center)2012
Thinking of You Occasionally (Songfor Public Benefit; Lyrics by Chen Zhen) 2012
Calling You Teacher (Songfor Public Benefit; Lyrics by Su Liu) 2013
Encountering You (Songfor Public Benefit; Lyrics by Su Liu) 2014
Film Music Works
Large Mansion (Film Soundtrack) 2007
I. Titles, Captions
II. Sweet Memories
III. Fleeing and Chasing
IV. Crossing the River
V. Intention to Kill
VI. Trill and Tension
VII. Sad Parting
VIII. Bicycle on the Field
IX. Beautiful Vision
X. Theme Song --Hometown is the Most Beautiful Place
Burning Coal! (Film Soundtrack) 2009
I. Distant Night Sky
II. My Own Journey
III. Passing through
IV. Narration
V. Sight of a Childu2019s Back
VI. The End
Tire (Music for Micro Film) 2012
Let Panda Fly (Film MusicSupervisor)2012
Mengu2019s Palace (Large-scale TV Drama)2013
Our Glorious Days (Large-scale TV Drama) 2014