
时间:2023-12-10 14:32:39编辑:小周




(1904―)荷兰籍美国画家.生于鹿特丹,曾在阿姆斯特丹韦滕斯哈彭美术技术学院学习.1916年起从事商业广告工作.1926年移居美国,受戈尔基、波洛克影响,尝试用毕加索和康定斯基抽象形式作画.30年代,是其创作的探索和尝试阶段,这一时期作品手法多样,面貌各异,主要作品是为艺术联合会作的壁画草图和为纽约1939年世界博览会创作壁画.40―50年代,是风格形成时期,与波洛克、戈尔基等人积极合作,成为美国抽象表现主义核心成员之一.1948年在伊根画廊举办首次个人展,确立了自己的风格.代表作《女人二号》、《女人与自行车》等系列女性形象连作.综合了波洛克、毕加索、康定斯基等人手法,创造了人物形象与背景融合混杂的空间,即其所称“无环境”绘画.这一风格一直到晚期作品.主要作品有《谁的名字写在水上》、《蒙陶克一》等. (1904 -) Dutch painter, the United States. Was born in Rotterdam in Amsterdam wetten Hartung Peng .1916 Fine Arts Institute of Technology to study since the work of .1926 years engaged in commercial advertising moved to the U.S. by Gorky, Pollock’s influence, try to use abstract form of painting, Picasso and Kandinsky .30 years, their creative exploration and trial stage, the way works of this period varied, look different, the main works are the murals for the Art Association to make sketches and for New York, 1939 World’s Fair murals created .40-50 years, the formative years of style, and Pollock, Gorky and others to cooperate actively as the United States, one of the core members of abstract expressionism .1948 Egan Gallery in organizing the first personal exhibition, established own style. masterpiece "Woman II", "Women and bicycles" and other series of female images, even in. combination of Pollock, Picasso, Kandinsky and others techniques, creating characters and background of integration of mixed spaces, that is its called "no environment" painting. This style has always been to the later works. His major works are "Who’s name written on the water", "Meng Tao g 1" and so on.

