
时间:2023-12-14 07:26:51编辑:小周




(1879―1953)法国画家.早期作品受印象派的影响,享有盛名.在1908―1911年间,从印象派转向立体主义,并短期参加德劳内的奥弗斯主义和未来主义的试验性探索.1915年,在纽约与杜桑合作创立了美国达达派.1916年回到欧洲,在巴塞罗那创办多种介绍达达派的刊物.1919年回到巴黎,活跃于达达派和超现实主义圈中.善于把接触到的新观念予以融化并创新,其艺术始终走在立体主义、达达主义和超现实主义各运动最前列.从整体看,作品中洋溢的实验本质弥补了其折衷作风.20年代后所作的“透明作品”,以玻璃纸和淡染做成拼贴,都极为细腻抒情.其艺术重要性在于作品不管到何处都可使人感到达达派的理论,并受其影响. (1879-1953) French painter. Early works by the Impressionist influence reputation. In the 1908-1911 years, the shift from impressionism cubism, and the short-term to participate in the Overstone Delaunay Marxist doctrine and future experimental exploration .1915 years, co-founded in New York with Dusan Dadaism .1916 years of the United States returned to Europe, was founded in Barcelona in a variety of publications .1919 introduced Dadaism year returned to Paris, active in the Dada and Surrealist circles . good to come into contact with new ideas to be melted and innovation, and his art has always walk in Cubism, Dadaism and Surrealism at the forefront of all movements. On the whole, the experiment works, overflowing with the essence makes up for its eclectic style .20 made after the age of "transparency works" to a collage made of cellophane and light pollution, are extremely delicate lyricism. his art is important because people can work regardless of where to find the theory of Dadaism, and its effects.

