1996年9月―1997年6月美国西北大学博士后研究员1997年7月―2001年6月新加坡国立大学商学院助理教授2001年―2012年香港中文大学系统工程和工程管理系副教授、清华大学(深圳)物流与供应链管理理学硕士合作课程(EMSc) 主任、副主任2012年―今香港城市大学管理科学系教授、讲席教授、系主任
库存模型、可再生能源和供应链管理、供应链风险、供应链新出现的问题、 卫生保健管理
PI: "Topic课题 - 「面向经济、社会和环境协调发展的物流系统基础理论」(项目批准号: 71390335)", Major Project 重大项目「面向经济、社会和环境协调发展的现代物流管理研究」 - National Natural Science Foundation of China , Amount: RMB2.8M/人民币280万元 (2014-2018) ,PI: 陈友华, Co-I’s at CityU: H.M. Yan, Y.Z. Li, Y.V. Hui, J. Liu"Project Coordinator 项目统筹人: Delivering 21st Century Healthcare in Hong Kong u2013 Building a Quality-and-Efficiency Driven System; 为香港提供21世纪的医疗服务 - 构造一个品质与效率驱动的服务体系", Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) 主题研究计划项目 - Research Grant Council (RGC) Hong Kong SAR, China 香港研究资助局 , Amount: HKD 20.45 million 20.45百万港币 (2014-2019) ,Team: CityU,CUHK,PolyU,HKU,Columbia:PI: "Distribution Requirement Planning and Inventory Policies for a Distribution Supply Chain with a Minimum Order Quantity", GRF - GRC , (2013-2016) ,Chen, Zhou and YangPI: "6 RGC Grants ", RGC Earmark - HK Research Council , Amount: 3.5M (2004-2011) ,Frank Y Chen
Yang, Y., Y. Chen, and Yun Zhou ((Jan-Feb 2014)), "Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies UnderBatch Ordering", Operations Research,62,1, 25-34, (equal contribution).Lu.Y., Chen. Y., Song. M., Yan. X. (2014), "Optimal Pricing and Inventory Control Policy with Quantity-Based PriceDifferentiation", Operations Research,62,3, 512-523.Caliskan-Demirag, O., Y. Chen and Y. Yang (2013), "Production-inventory control policy underwarm/cold state-dependent fixed costs and stochastic demand: partial characterization and heuristics",Ann. Operations Research,208,, 531-556.Chen X., Sean Zhou and Y. Chen (2011), "Integration of inventory and pricing decisions with costly priceadjustment", Oper. Res.,59,5, 1144-1158.Chen, Y., M.H. Xu, and G. Zhang (2009), "A Risk-Averse Newsvendor Model Under CVaR Decision Criterion.",Oper. Res.,57,4.Chen, Y., J. Chen, and Y. Xiao (2007), "Optimal Control of Selling Channels for an Online Retailer withCost-per-Click Payments and Seasonal Products", Production and Operations Management.Chen Y. F., Drezner, J.K.Ryan, and D. Simchi-Levi (2000), "Quantifying the Bullwhip Effect in a Simple Supply Chain: The Impact of Forecasting, Leadtimes and Information", Management Science,46,3, Google.Scholar Citation count: 1491 (Oct. 28 2013).