陈熹 男浙江大学管理学院副教授。浙江大学求是青年学者,浙江省钱江人才(C类),先后毕业于香港大学商学院(博士),新加坡国立大学(硕士)、复旦大学(学士)。近5年发表期刊论文和会议论文10余篇,其中SCI/SSCI检索论文6篇。 陈熹的论文曾发表在Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Decision Support Systems (DSS), European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA), Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce(JOCEC)等SCI/SSCI国际期刊上。其中JASIST在信息管理领域被认为是设计科学(Design Science)方面first tier的期刊。而DSS则是信息管理领域排名前10的期刊。EJOR, ECRA和JOCEC都是被国外商学院广泛认可的被用来作为教师业绩评估的期刊。
陈熹担任SSCI检索的国际期刊Information & Management的编委,并为Decision Support Systems (SCI), Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (SSCI), Communication of the AIS等国际期刊担任评审。
陈熹,Bose, I., Leung, A.C.M, Guo, C. “Assessing the Severity of Phishing Attacks: A Hybrid Data Mining Approach” Decision Support Systems, 50(4),2011,662-672。(SCI)
Li, M., Dong, Z.Y. and 陈熹*. “Factors influencing consumption experience of mobile commerce: A study from experiential view,”Internet Research, 22(2), 2012。(SSCI/SCIE)
Liu, Y.,陈熹*, and Wang X. “Evaluating the readiness of government portal websites in China to adopt contemporry public administration principles,” Government Information Quarterly, 录用,即将发表。(SSCI/SCIE)
Bose, I. and 陈熹*. “Exploring Business Opportunities from Mobile Service Data of Customers Using Inter-cluster Analysis,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,9(3),2010,197-208。(SCIE/SSCI)
Bose, I. and 陈熹*. “A framework for context sensitive services: a knowledge discovery based approach,” Decision Support Systems, 48(1), 2009, 158-168。(SCI)
Bose, I. and 陈熹*. “Quantitative models for direct marketing: a review from systems perspective,” European Journal of Operational Research, 195(1), 2009, 1-16。(SSCI/SCI)
Bose, I. and 陈熹*. “Hybrid models using unsupervised clustering for prediction of customer churn,” Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce,19(2), 133-151。(SSCI/SCI)
Bose, I. and 陈熹*. “A Method for Extension of Generative Topographic Mapping for Fuzzy Clustering,” Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2), 2009, 363-371。(SSCI/SCIE)
陈熹、徐晓杰、茂然,“社会网络下的自我披露:风险效用决策模型,” 2010年中国管理学年会,获大会优秀论文奖。