
时间:2023-12-20 20:49:53编辑:小周


Douglas Malloch(1877-1938)。美国著名诗人。中文翻译为道格拉斯·马罗区,或:道格拉斯·马罗奇,或:道格拉斯·马洛区!


Douglas Malloch(1877-1938)。美国著名诗人。




Be the Best of Whatever You Are(做最好的自己)、It's Fine Today (今天很好)、Echoes(回音)、The Road of Masonry、  Father's Lodge、The Little Lodge Of Long Ago、Building、The Masonry Of Spring、Make Me Mellow等等。


道格拉斯·马罗区,在中国最出名的就是那一首脍炙人口的《做最好的自己》了,  做最好的自己  如果你不能成为山顶的一棵松  就做一丛小树生长在山谷中  但须是溪边最好的一小丛  如果你不能成为一棵大树,就做灌木一丛  如果你不能成为一丛灌木,就做一片绿草  让公路也有几分欢娱  如果你不能成为一只麝香鹿,就做一条鲈鱼  但须做湖里最好的一条鱼  我们不能都做船长,我们得做海员  世上的事情,多得做不完  工作有大的,也有小的  我们该做的工作,就在你的手边  如果你不能做一条公路,就做一条小径  如果你不能做太阳,就做一颗星星  不能凭大小来断定你的输赢  不论你做什么都要做最好一名  英文版:  Be The Best of Whatever You Are  If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill,  Be a scrub in the valley ― but be  The best little scrub by the side of the rill;  Be a bush if you can't be a tree.  If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass,  And some highway happier make;  If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass ―  But the liveliest bass in the lake!  We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,  There's something for all of us here,  There's big work to do, and there's lesser to do,  And the task you must do is the near.  If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,  If you can't be the sun be a star;  It isn't by size that you win or you fail ―  Be the best of whatever you are!  这首诗的意义,在于“我们不要模仿别人。我们应找到自己,保持本色。”而且在自己的努力下,力争做到最好!道格拉斯·马罗区这首诗,你总找到自己的一些适合自己的人生格言。这就是它流传这么久,依旧散发出的魅力。它催人奋进,也叫人不要气馁,因为人总有存在的价值,和未来的追求。  Echoes  by Douglas Malloch  Fine men have walked this way before,  Whatever Lodge your Lodge may be;  Whoever stands before the door,  The sacred arch of Masonry,  Stands where the wise, the great, the good,  In their own time and place have stood.  You are not Brother just with these,  Your friends and neighbors; you are kin  With Masons down the centuries;  This room that now you enter in  Has felt the tread of many feet,  For here all Masonry you meet.  You walk the path the great have trod,  The great in heart, the great in mind,  Who looked through Masonry to God,  And looked through God to all mankind  Learned more than word or sign or grip,  Learned Man's and God's relationship.  To him who sees, who understands,  How mighty Masonry appears!  A Brotherhood of many lands,  A fellowship of many years,  A Brotherhood so great, so vast,  Of all the Craft of all the past.  And so I say a sacred trust  Is yours to share, is yours to keep;  I hear the voice of men of dust,  I hear the step of men asleep;  And down the endless future, too,  Your own shall echo after you

