毕业后在中科院地质与地球物理研究所工作至今,现任研究员,期间曾于1997.12―2000.6和2002.3―2003.3分别在英国University of Durham 和加拿大University of Regina作高访(一年)和博士后研究。
曾主持完成两项自然科学基金项目,参加过一项自然科学基金重点项目和多项油气储层研究项目。发表论文20篇,其中以第一作者在国际权威专业刊物上发表论文5篇。在我国较早地开展了海相层序地层的研究工作,用层序地层/旋回地层方法成功地解决了泥盆纪台地碳酸盐地层的长距离对比和构造影响的鉴别问题。在盆地分析方面,以桂林阳朔地区为例,详细研究了台间拉分盆地同构造碳酸盐沉积作用规律以及走滑断裂作用对碳酸盐台地形成演化的控制作用,大大丰富了该类型盆地的研究内容。最早报道了我国泥盆纪弗拉斯-法门(F/F)转折期生物大绝灭事件的碳同位素正向偏移响应,并提出海洋富营养化可能是造成此次事件的最重要因素;同时,根据轨道旋回理论对该事件进行了准确定年(~450 Kyr)。在热液白云岩化作用方面也做了一些很有意义的工作。
2002.03-2003.03:加拿大University of Regina,博士后研究人员,从事加拿大 Williston 盆地 Mississipian 碳酸盐岩沉积学、层序地层和储层性质以及我国南方泥盆系白云岩的成因和晚泥盆世古海洋学及生物绝灭的研究工作。
2002.12 -现在:中科院地质与地球物理研究所工作,研究员(博士生导师),学科组组长,继续从事沉积学、沉积地球化学及相关领域的研究工作。
湘南泥盆纪拉分台间盆地碳酸盐岩沉积作用与盆地动力学,自然科学基金项目( 面上, 批准号:40372062,负责)
Chen Daizhao, Zhou Xiqiang, Fu Yong, Wang Jianguo, Yan Detian, 2015. New U-Pb zircon ages of the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary strata in South China
Da Silva, A.C., Whalen, M., Hladil, J., Chadimova, L., Chen, D., Spassov, S., Boulvain, F., Devleeschouwer, X., 2015 (Eds.). Magnetic Susceptibility Application: A window onto Ancient Environments and Climatic Variations
Zhang Yanqiu, Chen Daizhao*, Zhou Xiqiang, Guo Zenghui, Wei Wenwen, Mutti, M., 2015. Depositional facies and stratal cyclicity of dolomites in the Lower Qiulitag Group (Upper Cambrian) in northwestern Tarim Basin, NW China. Facie
Zhou Xiqiang, Chen Daizhao*, Tang Dongjie, Dong Shaofeng, Guo chuan, Guo Zenghui, Zhang Yanqiu, 2015. Biogenic iron-rich filaments in the quartz veins in the uppermost Ediacaran Qigebulake Formation, Aksu area, northwestern Tarim Basin, China: Implications for iron oxidizers in subseafloor hydrothermal systems
Zhou Xiqiang, Chen Daizhao*, Dong Shaofeng, Zhang Yanqiu, Guo Zenghui, 2015. Diagenetic barite deposits in the Yurtus Formation in Tarim Basin, NW China: Implications fro barium and sulfur cycling in the earliest Cambrian
Zhou Xiqiang, Chen Daizhao*, Qing Hairuo, Qian Yixiong, Wang Dan, 2014. Submarine silica-rich hydrothermal activity during the earliest Cambrian in the Tarim Basin, Northwest China
Ji Congwei, Qing Hairuo, Chen Daizhao, Luo Ping, Jin Zhijun, Shao Longyi, 2013. Characteristics and dolomitization of Upper Cambrian to Lower Ordovician dolomite from the outcrop in Keping Uplift, western Tarim Basin, Northwest China
Dong ShaoFeng, Chen DaiZhao*, Qing HaiRuo, Jiang MaoSheng, Zhou XiQiang, 2013. In situ stable isotopic constraints on dolomitizing fluids for the hydrothermally-originated saddle dolomites at Keping, Tarim Basin
Dong Shaofeng, Chen Daizhao*, Qing Hairuo, Zhou Xiqiang, Wang Dan, Guo Zenghui, Jiang Maosheng, Qian Yixiong, 2013. Hydrothermal alteration of dolostones in the Lower Ordovician, Tarim Basin, NW China: Multiple constraints from petrology, isotope geochemistry and fluid inclusion microthermometry
Chen Daizhao, Wang Jianguo, Racki, G., Li Hua, Wang Chengyuan, Ma Xueping, Whalen, M., 2013. Large sulphur isotopic perturbations and oceanic changes during the Frasnian-Famennian transition of the Late Devonian.
Qian Yixiong, You Donghua, Chen Daizhao, Qing Hairuo, He Zhiliang, Ma Yuchun, Tian Mian, Xi Binbin, 2012. The petrographic and geochemical signatures and implication of origin of the Middle and Upper Cambrian dolostones in eastern margin Tarim: Comparative studies with the Whirlpool Point of the Western Sedimentary Basin
Wei Hengye, Chen Daizhao*, Wang Jianguo, Yu Hao, Tucker, M.E., 2012. Organic accumulation in the lower Chihsia Formation (Middle Permian) of South China: Constraints from pyrite morphology and multiple geochemical proxies. Palaeogeogr
Wei Hengye, Chen Daizhao, Yu Hao, Wang Jianguo, 2012. End-Guadalupian mass extinction and negative carbon isotope excursion at Xiaojiaba, Guangyuan, Sichuan. Sci. China-Earth Sci
Wang Jianguo, Chen Daizhao, Yan Detian, Wei Hengye, Xiang Lei, 2012. Evolution from an anoxic to oxic deep ocean during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition and implications for bioradiation
Wang Jianguo, Chen Daizhao*, Wang Dan, Yan Detian, Zhou Xiqiang, Wang Qingchen, 2012. Petrology and geochemistry of chert on the marginal zone of Yangtze Platform, western Hunan, South China, during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition
Yan Detian, Chen Daizhao*, Wang Qingchen, Wang Jianguo, 2012. Predominance of straitified anoxic Yangtze Sea interrupted by short-term oxygenation during the Ordo-Silurian transition
Yan Detian, Chen Daizhao*, Wang Qingchen, Wang Jianguo, 2010. Large-scale climatic fluctuations in the latest Ordovician on Yangzt block, south China
Iryu Y., Cabioch G., Chen D.Z*., Matsuda H., Piller W.E. (Eds.), 2009. Carbonates: Biological, Geochemical and Physical Processes. Sediment
Chen Daizhao, Wang Jianguo, Qing Hairuo, Yan Detian, Li Renwei, 2009. Hydrothermal venting activities in the Early Cambrian, South China: Petrological, geochronological and stable isotopic constraints
Yan Detian, Chen Daizhao*, Wang Qingcheng, Wang Jianguo, Wang Zhuozhuo, 2009. Carbon and sulfur isotopic anomalies across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary on Yangtze Platform, South China
Yan Detian, Chen Daizhao, Wang Qingcheng, Wang Jianguo, 2009. Geochemical changes across the Ordovician-Silurian transition on the Yangtze Platform, South China. Science in China (Ser. D)
Yan Detian, Chen Daizhao, Wang Qingcheng, Wang Jianguo, Chu Yang, 2008. Environmental redox changes of the Yangtze Sea during the Ordo-Silurian transition
Jiang Zaixing, Chen Daizhao, Qiu Longwei, Liang Hongbin and Ma Jun, 2007. Source-controlled carbonates in a small Eocene half-graben lake basin (Shulu Sag) in central Hebei Province, North China
Chen Daizhao, Qing Hairuo, Yan Xin, Li He, 2006. Hydrothermal venting and basin evolution (Devonian, South China): Constraints from rare earth element geochemistry of chert. Sediment. Geol
Chen Daizhao, Qing Hairuo, Li Renwei, 2005. The Late Devonian Frasnian-Famennian (F/F) biotic crisis: Insights from δ13Ccarb, δ13Corg, 87Sr/86Sr isotopic systematics. Earth Planet. Sci
Chen Daizhao and Tucker, M.E., 2004. Palaeokarst and its implication for the extinction event at the Frasnian-Famennian boundary (Guilin, South China). Jour.Geol. Soci
Chen Daizhao, Qing Hairuo and Yang Chao, 2004. Multistage hydrothermal dolomites in the Middle Devonian (Givetian) carbonates from the Guilin area, South China
Zhu Jingquan, Li Yongtie, Jiang Maosheng and Chen Daizhao, 2004. Carbon isotopic composition and its implication of the Lower Cretaceous Aptian-Albian shallow water carbonates in the Cuoqin Basin, northern Tibet
Chen Daizhao, Tucker, M.E., 2003. Frasnian-Famennian mass extinction: Insights from high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy in South China. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimat. Palaeoecol
Chen Daizhao, Tucker, M.E., Shen Yanan, Yans, J. and Preat, A., 2002. Carbon isotopic excursions and sea-level change: Implications for the Frasnian-Famennian biotic crisis. Jour. Geol
Chen Daizhao, Tucker, M.E., Jingquan Zhu and Maosheng Jiang, 2002. Carbonate platform evolution: from a bioconstructed platform margin to a sand shoal system (Devonian, Guilin, South China)
Chen Daizhao, Tucker, M.E., Zhu Jingquan and Jiang Maosheng, 2001. Sedimentation in a starved basin, Middle to Late Devonian, southern Guilin, South China. Basin Res
Chen Daizhao, Tucker, M.E., Jiang Maosheng and Zhu Jingquan, 2001. Long-distance correlation between tectonic-controlled, isolated carbonate platforms by cyclostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy in the Devonian of South China
Jiang Maosheng, Zhu Jingquan, Chen Daizhao, Zhang Renhu and Qiao Guangsheng, 2001. Carbon and strontium isotope variations and responses to sea-level fluctuations in the Ordovician of the Tarim Basin
严德天,王清晨,陈代钊,汪建国,邱振,2011. 扬子地区晚奥陶世碳酸盐台地淹没事件及其地质意义。地质科学
王丹,陈代钊,杨长春, Hairuo Qing,王旭,吴茂炳,邢秀娟,2010. 埋藏环境白云石结构类型。沉积学报
王丹,王旭,陈代钊,杨长春, Hairuo Qing,吴茂炳,邢秀娟,2010. 塔里木盆地塔北、塔中地区寒武系-奥陶系碳酸盐岩中鞍形白云石胶结物特征。地质科学
汪建国,陈代钊,严德天,2009. 重大地质转折期的碳、硫循环与环境演变. 地学前缘
许志刚,陈代钊,曾荣树,郭凯,李元平,肖斌,王旭, 2009. 我国吉林油田大情字井区块CO2地下埋存试验区地质埋存格架. 地质学报
许志刚,陈代钊,曾荣树, 2009. CO2地下地质埋存原理和条件. 西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)
陈代钊,2008. 构造-热液白云岩化作用与白云岩储层. 石油与天然气地质
许志刚,陈代钊,曾荣树,2008. CO2地质埋存渗漏风险及补救对策。地质论评
许志刚,陈代钊,曾荣树,郭凯,李元平,2008. CO2地下地质埋存分布状况及环境影响的监测。气候变化研究进展
严德天,王清晨,陈代钊,汪建国,王卓卓,2007. 扬子及周缘地区上奥陶统-下志留统烃源岩发育环境及其控制因素。地质学报
许志刚,陈代钊,李胜利,范洪军,韩璐,2007. 南堡地区东营组一段储层敏感性评价及油层保护。沉积与特提斯地质
许志刚,陈代钊,曾荣树,2007. CO2的地质埋存与资源化利用进展.地球科学进展
王卓卓,陈代钊,汪建国, 2007. 广西南宁地区泥盆纪硅质岩稀土元素地球化学特征及沉积背景. 地质科学
王卓卓,陈代钊,汪建国, 2007. 广西南宁地区泥盆纪硅质岩地球化学特征及沉积环境.沉积学报
陈代钊,王卓卓,汪建国, 2006. 晚泥盆世海洋生态危机与地球各圈层相互作用:来自高分辨率的沉积和同位素地球化学证据。自然科学进展
边千韬,朱士兴,I.I. Pospelov, M.A. Semikhatov, 孙淑芬,陈代钊,那春光,2006. 东昆仑南戴中元古代晚期-新元古代早期叠层石组合的发现。地质科学
Bian Qiantao, Zhu Shixing, Pospelov, I.I., Semikhatove, M.A., Sun Shufen, Chen Daizhao and Na Chunguan, 2005. Discovery of the Jiawengmen stromatolite assemblage in the southern belt of Eastern Kunlun, NW China and its significance. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition)
曾荣树,孙枢,陈代钊,段振豪. 减少二氧化碳向大气层的排放――二氧化碳地下储存研究。中国科学基金
Zhu Jingquan, Li Yongtie, Jiang Maosheng and Chen Daizhao, 2004. Carbon isotopic composition and its implication of the Lower Cretaceous Aptian-Albian shallow water carbonates in the Cuoqin Basin, northern Tibet. Science in China (Series D)
朱井泉,李永铁,江茂生,陈代钊,2003. 藏北错勤盆地早白垩世Aptian-Albian浅水碳酸盐岩碳同位素组成及其意义。中国科学(D辑)
Jiang Maosheng, Zhu Jingquan, Chen Daizhao, Zhang Renhu and Qiao Guangsheng, 2001. Carbon and strontium isotope variations and responses to sea-level fluctuations in the Ordovician of the Tarim Basin. Science in China (Series D)
江茂生,朱井泉,陈代钊,张任祜,乔广生,2001. 塔里木盆地奥陶纪碳酸盐岩碳锶同位素特征及其对海平面变化的响应. 中国科学 (D辑)
陈代钊,2000. 旋回地层-一个正在发展中的理论,第四纪研究
陈代钊,1998. 海平面变化与沉积、成矿作用,刊于:地球系统科学 (陈述彭等主编).
陈代钊,1997. 河流沉积占优势地层中的高频层序地层-以盘县西部龙潭组为例. 地质科学
陈代钊,1997. 碳酸盐旋回地层研究现状. 岩相古地理
陈代钊,张鹏飞,1996. 三角洲平原上网结河的发育与聚煤作用. 沉积学报
Chen Daizhao, Zhang Pengfei, 1996. Cyclothems of the Longtan Formation, Upper Permian, western Guizhou, Scientia Geologica Sinica (Overseas Edition)
陈代钊,陈其英,1995. 黔南早中泥盆世沉积演化的动力机制. 沉积学报
陈代钊,陈其英,江茂生,1995. 泥盆纪海相碳酸盐沉积碳同位素组成及演变. 岩相古地理
陈代钊,张鹏飞,1995. 近海平原型含煤地层旋回层及其沉积演替,沉积学及岩相古地理学新进展(王英华主编),石油工业出版社
陈代钊,陈其英,1994. 华南泥盆纪沉积演化及海水进退规程. 地质科学
陈代钊,陈其英,1994. 黔南早中泥盆世层序地层格架与海平面变化. 中国科学(B辑)
邵龙义,张鹏飞,陈代钊,罗中,1994. 滇东黔西晚二叠世早期辫状河三角洲沉积体系及其聚煤特征,沉积学报