钾离子通道是一类选择性允许钾离子顺着电化学梯度通过细胞膜的跨膜蛋白, 它存在于几乎所有的生物体包括细菌、植物和哺乳动物中;几乎所有活体细胞,包括肌细胞,神经元,甚至免疫细胞中都存在钾离子通道。因此钾离子通道在生命过程中具有非常重要的作用:它参与了神经元和心肌动作电位的形成,腺体激素的分泌,甚至免疫细胞的免疫反应。钾离子通道的功能通常是动态的,它受许多因子调控。在钾离子通道的研究中,一个巨大的挑战是钾离子通道如何参与生命的各个生理过程,比如发育、衰老、学习和记忆的形成等等。回答这些基本问题,一个理想的生物体系十分重要,在这个体系里,我们能够将离子通道调控和动物行为的变化联系起来。从这一点讲线虫提供了一个无法估量的价值:1 几乎所有主要的钾离子通道家族基因都在线虫基因组中发现, 2 线虫生活周期短,十分有利于遗传学操作,3 最近发展起来的电生理技术使我们能够在体内或体外, 甚至线虫活体内测定单个神经元细胞的电生理特征。这样线虫给我们提供了一个简单的体系来回答钾离子通道领域的基本问题,但又不失去普遍性。
我们课题组将结合生物化学、生物物理学、遗传学、表现型分析、电生理学等方法来研究钾离子通道在生长发育、衰老等过程中的调控机制。我们将致力于研究以下几个问题:1 钾离子通道α亚基和β亚基之间的相互作用机制及其生理意义;2 钾离子通道的表达和运输分子机制;3 钾离子通道在肌肉细胞衰老过程中的调控及其生理作用。另外我们也将进行有关氯离子通道调控机制方面的研究。
1. W. Tutak, Ki-Ho Park, G. Fanchini, A. Vasilov, Cai SQ, N.partridge, F. Sesti , M. Chhowalla (2009). Toxicity induced enhanced extracellular matrix production in osteoblastic cells cultured on single walled carbon nanotube networks. Nanotechnology, 20 (25): 255101.
2. Shi-qingCai*, Wang Yi*, Ki Ho Park*, Xin Tong, Zui Pan and Federico Sesti (2009) Auto-phosphorylation of a voltage-gated K + channel controls non-associative learning. EMBO J. 28 (11):1601-10. (* co-first author)
3. Shi-Qing Cai and F. Sesti (2009) Oxidation of a K+ Channel causes progressive decline in sensory function during ageing. Nature Neuroscience, 12 (5): 611-7.
4. L. Hernandez, K.H. Park, Shi-Qing Cai, L. Qin, N. Partridge, F. Sesti (2007) The antiproliferative role ofergK+ channels in rat osteoblastic cells. Cell Biochemstrybiophysics47: 199-208.
5. Shi-Qing Cai and F. Sesti (2007). A new mode of regulation of N-type inactivation in a Caenorhabditis elegans voltage-gated potassium channel. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 282(25): 18597-601.
6. Shi-Qing Cai, W. Li, F. Sesti (2007) Multiple modes of A-type Potassium current regulation. Invited review. Current Pharmaceutical Design 13(31): 3178-84.
7. Shi-Qing Cai, Ki Ho Park, Federico Sesti (2006) An evolutionarily conserved family of accessory subunits of K+ channels. Invited review. Cell Biochemstry Biophysics 46(1): 91-100.
8. Shi-Qing Cai, Leonardo Hernandez, Yi Wang, Ki Ho Park, Federico Sesti (2005) MPS-1 is a K+ channel b-subunit and a serine/threonine kinase. Nature Neuroscience 8(11): 1503-9.
9. Ki Ho Park, Leonardo Hernandez, Shi-Qing Cai, Yi Wang, Federico Sesti (2005) A family of K+ Channel ancillary subunits regulate taste sensitivity in Caenorhabditis elegans. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 280: 21893-21899.
10. Shi-Qing Cai, Gen-Yun Chen, Hai-Bo Zhang, Da-Quan Xu (2002). No monomerisation of PSII dimer occurs during reversible inacivation of some photosystem II reaciton centers in soybean leavs. Photosynthetica 40 (2) 215-220.
11. Shi-Qing Cai, Da-Quan Xu (2002). Light intensity-dependent reversible down-regulation andirreversibledamage of photosystem II in soybean leaves. Plant Science Vol 163/4 pp 847-853.
12. Hai-Bo Zhang, Shi-Qing Cai, Da-Quan Xu (2002). D1 protein phosphorylation/ dephosphorylation alone has no effect on the electron transport activity of photosystem II in soybean leaves. Plant Science 162, 507-511.
13. Yue Chen, Xue-Hua Wang, Yi Liao, Shi-Qing Cai, Hai-Bo Zhang, Da-Quan Xu (2002) Effect of Flag Leaf Orientation on its Photosynthetic Capacity in Rice. Acta Phytophysiologia sinica 28 (5) 396-398.
14. Gen-Yun Chen, Yi Liao, Shi-Qing Cai, Qing Zeng, Jian-Guo Zhu, Yong Han, Gang Liu, Da-Quan Xu (2002) Photosynthetic acclimation of Echinochloa crusgalli grown in rice field to free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE). Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 13 (10): 1205-1209.
15. Yi Liao, Gen-Yun Chen, Shi-Qing Cai, Qing Zeng, Jian-Guo Zhu, Yong Han, Gang Liu, Da-Quan Xu (2002) Responses and acclimation of photosynthesis to free-air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) in rice leaves. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 13(10): 1201-1204.
16. Shi-Qing Cai, Da-Quan Xu (2000) Relationship between the CO2 compensation point and photorespiration in soybean leaves. Acta Phytophysiologia sinica, 26 (6): 545-550.