
时间:2023-12-25 02:50:50编辑:小周












压缩感知理论及应用、小波构造理论、小波神经网络、低信噪比下信号的检测、去噪及特征参数提取等。主要研究压缩感知、多小波的构造及其在图像、信号处理中的应用。发表论文30余篇,多篇被SCI、EI、ISTP、美国数学评论(Mathematical Review)及德国数学文摘(Zentralblatt MATH)等摘引评介。


1. Yi-Gang Cen, Rui-Zhen Zhao, Li-Hui Cen, Zhen-Jiang Miao, Xiao-Fang Chen, Explicit Construction of Compactly Supported Biorthogonal Multiwavelets via Matrix Extension, The IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS), 2013 doi: 10.1093/ imamat/hxt001.

2. CEN Yi-Gang, ZHAO Rui-Zhen, MIAO Zhen-Jiang, CEN Li-Hui, A New Approach of Conditions on Delta_2k for s-sparse Recovery, Science in China Series F: Information Sciences(中国科学F辑), Apir., 2014, 57(4): 042310, 1-7.

3. Yi-Gang Cen, Xiao-Fang Chen, Li-Hui Cen, Explicit Construction of Symmetric Compactly Supported Biorthogonal Multiwavelets Via Group Transformations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 244(15): 49-66, May, 2013.

4. Yi-Gang Cen, Li-Hui Cen, Xiao-Fang Chen, On construction of symmetric compactly supported biorthogonal multiwavelets with short sequences, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences,6(3): 501-508, 2012.

5. 赵志鹏,岑翼刚,陈晓方,基于小波域维纳滤波器的信号稀疏表示,应用科学学报,30(6): 595-600, Dec., 2012.

6. Zhi-Peng ZHAO, Yi HUANG, Yi-Gang CEN, Xiao-Li HAO, Neuron Classification and Identification Based on the Fisher Discriminant Analysis, 2011 Cross-Strait Conference on Information Science and Technology and iCube (CSCIST 2011 and iCube 2011), Taiwan, Danshui, 299-303, Dec, 8-9,2011.

7. Zhao Zhi-peng, Cen Yi-gang, Chen Xiao-fang, Noise Speech Recognition Based on Compressive Sensing, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 268-270, July, (2011) pp 82-87.

8.Yi-Gang Cen, Rui Xin, Xiao-Fang Chen, Li-Hui Cen, Ming-Xing Hu, Shi-Ming Chen, Signal Sparse Representation Based on the Peak Transform and Modulus Maximum of Wavelet Coefficients, Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering,?2011, 14(3): 217-224.

9. Yi-Gang Cen, Construction of Compactly Supported Biorthogonal Multiwavelets: An Abstract Algebraic Approach, Journal of Internet Technology, 2010, 11(7): 1005-1014.

10. 岑翼刚,岑丽辉,基于峰值变换的信号稀疏表示及重建,电子与信息学报,2011, 33(2): 6-14.

11. 岑翼刚,岑丽辉,陈晓方,基于单层小波变换的压缩感知图像处理,通信学报,2010, 8A: 52-55.

12. Yi-Gang Cen, Man-Gui Liang, Construction of Symmetric and Semi-orthogonal Scalar Wavelets Based on the Auto-correlation Function, Proceedings of 2009 Conference on Communication Faculity,Beijing, P. R. China, Jan, 2010.

13. Yi-Gang Cen, Li-Hui Cen, “Explicit Construction of High-pass Filter Sequence for the Orthogonal Multiwavelets”, Elsevier Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation. 213 (1): 235-242, July, 2009.

14. Yi-Gang Cen, Polyphase Matrices Extension for Biorthogonal Multiwavelets with closed-form Expressions, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering. Wuhan, P. R. China, Dec. 11~13, 2009.

15. Yi-Gang Cen, Li-Hui Cen, Xiao-Fang Chen, Symmetric Construction of Biorthogonal Multiwavelets with Short Sequences, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering. Wuhan, P. R. China, Dec. 11~13, 2009.

16. Yi-Gang Cen, Mei-Qin Liu, Yao Zhao, Li-Hui Cen, On Construction of Symmetric Compactly Supported Biorthogonal Multiwavelets with Short Sequences, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. Submitted.

17. Yi-Gang Cen, Li-Hui Cen, “An Abstract Algebraic Approach for the Construction of Compactly Supported Biorthogonal Multiwavelets”, ICNNSPu201908. Zhengjiang, P. R. China, June, 8~10, 2008.

18. 岑翼刚,秦元庆,孙德宝, 小波阈值神经网络在信号去噪及预测中的应用, 控制理论与应用, 25(3), 2008.

19. 岑翼刚,孙德宝,尉宇, 基于频率分组的CHESS系统G函数算法研究, 电子与信息学报, 28 (4), 2006.

20. 岑翼刚, 孙德保, 李宁, 改进的粒子群算法在小波神经网络中的应用及网络参数初始化研究, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 34 (8), 2006.

21. Yigang Cen, Debao Sun, Lihui Cen, Yu Wei, A Special Poisson Sum And Its Applications. The Third International Conference on Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications, May, 29, 2004, Chong qing, P. R. China.

22. 岑翼刚,秦元庆,孙德宝,李宁, 粒子群算法在小波神经网络中的应用, 系统仿真学报, 16 (12), 2004.

23. Debao Sun, Yigang Cen, Lihui Cen, Signal singularity analysis, DCDIS Proceedings 1, 2003, 449-454, Intelligent and Complex Systems.


1. K-稀疏恢复限制等距常数上界及压缩感知算法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2013年1月至2016年12月,主持。

2. 压缩感知限制等距常数上界及信号稀疏表示和去噪,中央高校基本科研业务费,2011年7月至2013年6月,主持。

3. 普适性的信号稀疏表示方法及多小波压缩感知理论研究,北京市自然基金预探索项目,2011年1月至2012年6月,主持。

4. 紧支撑双正交多小波对称显构造及多小波图像压缩,中央高校基本科研业务费,2010年1月至2011年12月,主持。

5. 双正交多小波构造的抽象代数方案及其在图像压缩中的应用 , 国家自然科学基金青年基金,2009年1月~2011年12月,主持。

6. 紧支撑双正交多小波的显构造研究:一个抽象代数方案,教育部留学回国人员基金,2009年9月~2011年12月,主持。

7. 紧支撑双正交多小波的显构造研究 , 北京交通大学校基金,2008年1月~2009年12月,主持。

