
时间:2023-12-25 12:43:34编辑:小周













2013年6月-2018年1月,段树民任浙江大学医学院院长兼医学中心(筹)主任 。



科研成就 科研综述

段树民长期从事神经生物学研究。在神经元-胶质细胞相互作用、突触发育和功能等研究领域做出系统的创新工作,在Science、Nature Cell Biology,Neuron等国际著名杂志发表系列研究论文,受到国际同行重视,促进了神经胶质细胞研究领域的发展。研究成果入选为2003年中国医药科技十大新闻,2006年中国基础研究十大新闻。





成熟脑内 NG2 胶质细胞的功能:NG2细胞是一类表达NG2硫酸软骨素蛋白多糖(Chondroitin sulphate peoteoglycan) 的胶质细胞,早期被称为少突胶质前体细胞(Oligodendrocyte precursor cell),研究显示成熟的脑内也表达大量的NG2胶质细胞,倾向认为它们是脑内一类成熟的胶质细胞,其功能尚不清楚。新近研究表明神经元对NG2胶质细胞有直接突触支配,引起人们的极大兴趣。我们最近的工作发现,在海马区利用诱导神经元产生LTP的刺激方式,也能在NG2胶质细胞上产生LTP, 且NG2细胞上诱导的LTP不依赖于神经元 LTP 的发生,而依赖于NG2细胞本身的钙通透性AMPA受体(不含GluR2亚单位的AMPA受体)激活及细胞内钙的升高,LTP在NG2细胞的表达则是由于钙通透性AMPA受体的增加有关。这些结果和大多数神经元的LTP诱导和表达的机制不同,神经元LTP的诱导主要是由于NMDA受体的激活,LTP的表达则是由于钙非通透性AMPA受体(含GluR2 亚单位的AMPA受体)的增加。但NG2胶质细胞在成熟脑内的功能是什么?它是否也会释放活性物质调节神经元活动,其释放机理等基本问题都不清楚。NG2 胶质细胞不能产生动作电位,可能不具备神经元那样的信息传递和编码功能,也没有证据表明这些细胞有释放递质的功能。因此,神经元-NG2细胞突触联系所具有的功能、这些突触产生可塑性变化的意义等都是值得研究的重要问题。我们将结合电生理, 免疫组织化学, 成像,基因转染,NG2细胞特异转基因和基因敲除等手段深入研究NG2细胞对神经元功能的可能作用及其机理、意义。用Cre-LoxP基因方法选择性抑制 NG2细胞的重要分子等,研究NG2细胞对神经系统发育和功能、动物行为等影响。


已知神经细胞膜表达各种粘附因子(adhesion molecules),对神经元迁移、突触连接的形成及其可塑性起至关重要的作用。有关粘附因子的这些作用多被认为是在神经元之间直接起作用。另一方面,星形胶质细胞的突起直接包绕神经元的突触周围,且胶质细胞对神经元的突触形成和可塑性起重要作用,研究表达在胶质细胞的粘附因子是否及如何调制神经元的突触形成和可塑性,对人们重新认识突触形成和可塑性无疑具有重要的意义。另外,NG2细胞作为突触后成分直接接受神经元的突触支配,NG2细胞有无粘附因子表达,这些粘附因子对神经元-NG2胞之间的突触形成及该类突触的功能和可塑性有何重要作用等都是值得研究的重要问题。


据2015年1月中华人民共和国教育部转载浙江大学的一篇文章显示:段树民先后在《科学》《神经元》和《自然细胞生物学》等国际学术杂志上发表37余篇文章? 。

1.Han Y, Shi YF, Xi W, Zhou R, Tan ZB, Wang H, Li XM, Chen Z, Feng GP, Huang ZL, Duan* , and Yu YQ, Selective Activation of Cholinergic Basal Forebrain Neurons Induces Immediate Sleep wake Transitions, Current Biology 2014 ( in press)  2.Wu HJ, Liu YJ, Li HQ, Chen C, Dou Y, Lou HF, Ho MS, Li XM, Gao Z, Duan S.?  Analysis of microglial migration by a micropipette assay. Nat Protoc. 2014, 9: 491-500.?  3.Li HQ, Chen C, Dou Y, Wu HJ, Liu YJ, Lou HF, Zhang JM, Li XM, Wang H, Duan S*. P2Y4 receptor-mediated pinocytosis contributes to amyloid beta-induced self-uptake by microglia. Mol Cell Biol. 2013, 33: 4282-93.?  4.Chen J, Tan Z, Zeng L, Zhang X, He Y, Gao W, Wu X, Li Y, Bu B, Wang W, Duan S*. Heterosynaptic long-term depression mediated by ATP released from astrocytes. Glia. 2013,61:178-191  5.Zhu B, Xu D, Deng X, Chen Q, Huang Y, Peng H, Li Y, Jia B, Thoreson WB, Ding W, Ding J, Zhao L, Wang Y, Wavrin KL, Duan S*, Zheng J*. CXCL12 enhances human neural progenitor cell survival through a CXCR7- and CXCR4-mediated endocytotic signaling pathway. Stem Cells. 2012, 30:2571-2583  6.Y Dou, HJ Wu, HQ Li, S Qin, HF Lou, QM Luo, Duan S*, Microglia Migration Mediated by ATP-Induced ATP Release from Lysosome, Cell Res, 2012 22:1022-1033  7.Li KX, Lu YM, Xu ZH, Zhang J, Zhu JM, Zhang JM, Cao SX, Chen XJ, Chen Z, Luo JH, Duan S, Li XM. Neuregulin 1 regulates excitability of fast-spiking neurons through Kv1.1 and acts in epilepsy. Nat Neurosci. 2012: 15,267u2013273  8.Ji Y, Lu Y, Yang F, Shen W, Tang TT, Feng L, Duan S, Lu B,.Acute and gradual increases in BDNF concentration elicit distinct signaling and functions in neurons. Nat Neurosci. 2010, 13:302-309  9.Song AH, Wang D, Chen G, Li Y, Luo J, Duan S*, Poo MM. A selective filter for cytoplasmic transport at the axon initial segment. Cell. 2009, 136:1148-1160.  10.Tong XP, Li XY, Zhou B, Shen WH, Zhang ZJ, Xu TL, Duan S*,Ca2+ signaling evoked by activation of Na+ channels and Na+/Ca2+ exchangers is required for GABA-induced NG2 cell migration, J Cell Biol, 2009, 186: 113-128?  11.Li H, Chen G, Zhou B, Duan S*. Actin Filament Assembly by MARCKS- PI(4,5)P2 Signaling Is Critical for Dendrite Branching. Mol Biol Cell. 2008, 19: 4804-4813  12.Z-J Zhang, G Chen, W Zhou, A-H Song, W Wang, T Xu, Q-M Luo, X-S Gu, Duan S*, Regulated ATP release from astrocytes via lysosome exocytosis. Nature Cell Biol 2007, 9: 945-953.?  13.Ge WP, Duan S*. Persistent Enhancement of Neuron-Glia Signaling Mediated by Increased Extracellular K+ Accompanying Long-Term Synaptic Potentiation. J Neurophysiol. 2007, 97: 2564-2569?  14.Chen G, Li HM, Chen YR, Gu XS, Duan S*. Decreased estradiol release from astrocytes contributes to the neurodegeneration in a mouse model of Niemann-Pick disease type C. Glia 2007; 55:1509-1518.  15.Zhang X, Xu R, Zhu B, Yang X, Ding X, Duan S, Xu T, Zhuang Y, Han M. Syne-1 and Syne-2 play crucial roles in myonuclear anchorage and motor neuron innervation. Development. 2007, 134:901-908.?  16.Wang, C., Zhang, L., Zhou, Y., Zhou, J., Yang, X., Duan, S., Xiong, Z., Ding, Y. (2007) Activity-dependent development of callosal projections in the somatosensory cortex. J. Neurosci. 27: 11334-11342  17.Ge WP, Yang XJ, Zhang ZJ, Wang HK, Deng QD, Duan S* Long-Term Potentiation of Neuron-Glia Synapses Mediated by Ca2+-Permeable AMPA Receptors Science, 2006,312, 1533-1537  18.Shen W, Wu B, Zhang Z, Dou Y, Rao ZR, Chen YR, Duan S*. Activity-induced rapid synaptic maturation mediated by presynaptic cdc42 signaling. Neuorn, 2006, 50: 401-414 (Cover)  Comment: Atasoy and Kavalali,Presynaptic Unsilencing: Searching for a Mechanism. Neuron, 2006, 50:345-346  19.Duan S*, Neary J, P2X7/P2Z receptors: properties and relevance to CNS functions (Invited review). Glia, 2006, 54:738-746.?  20.Lu W, Zheng BJ, Xu K, Schwarz W, Du L, Wong CK, Chen J, Duan S, Deubel V, Sun B. Severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus 3a protein forms an ion channel and modulates virus release. PNAS, 2006, 103:12540-12545?  21.Jin W, Ge WP, Xu J, Cao M, Peng L, Yung W, Liao D, Duan S, Zhang M, Xia J. Lipid binding regulates synaptic targeting of PICK1, AMPA receptor trafficking, and synaptic plasticity. J Neurosci. 2006 Mar 1;26(9):2380-90.?  22.Xu X, Fu AK, Ip FC, Wu CP, Duan S, Poo MM, Yuan XB, Ip NY. Agrin regulates growth cone turning of Xenopus spinal motoneurons. Development. 132:4309-4316. (2005)?  23.Pan, P., Cai, Q., Lin, L., Lu, P., Duan S*, and Sheng, Z. SNAP-29-mediated Modulation of Synaptic Transmission in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons. J. Biol.Chem. 280: 25769-25779 (2005)?  24.Xu, H., Yuan, X., Guan, C., Duan, S., Wu, C., and Feng, L. Calcium signaling in chemorepellant Slit2-dependent regulation of neuronal migration. PNAS, 101, 4296-4301 (2004)  25.Li, C., Wu, CP., Duan S*, and Poo, M. Bidirectional Modification of Presynaptic Neuronal Excitability Accompanying Spike Timing-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity. Neuron,41, 257u2013268 (2004)  26.Zhang, J. Wang, H., Ye, C., Ge, W., Chen, Y., Wu, CP., Poo, M., and Duan, S. ATP Released by Astrocytes Mediates Glutamatergic Activity-Dependent Heterosynaptic Suppression. Neuron, 40, 971-982 (2003)?  Comment:O Pascual and PG. Haydon, Synaptic Inhibition Mediated by Glia. Neuron, 40, 873-875 (2003)  27.Yang, Y., Ge, W., Chen, Y., Wu, CP., Poo, M., and Duan, S*. Contribution of astrocytes to hippocampal long-term potentiation through release of D-serine. PNAS, 100, 15194 u2013 15199 (2003)?  28.Wang B, Xiao Y, Ding BB, Zhang N, Yuan X, Gui L, Qian KX, Duan S, Chen Z, Rao Y, Geng JG. Induction of tumor angiogenesis by Slit-Robo signaling and inhibition of cancer growth by blocking Robo activity. Cancer Cell. 4:19-29 (2003).  29.Wang, Z., Xu, N., Wu,CP., Duan S*,and Poo, M. Bidirectional Changes in Spatial Dendritic Integration Accompanying Long-Term Synaptic Modifications. Neuron, 37: 463-472 (2003)?  30.Yuan X, Jin, M., Xu, X., Wu, CP., Poo, M., and Duan, S*. Signalling and crosstalk of Rho GTPases in mediating axon guidance. Nature Cell Biol, 5, 38 - 45 (2003)?  31.Duan, S, C M. Anderson, E C. Keung, K.Farrell, Y. Chen, and RA. Swanson. P2X7 Receptor-Mediated Release of Excitatory Amino Acids from Astrocytes. J Neurosci, 23: 1320-1328 (2003)?  32.Anderson CM, Norquist BA, Vesce S, Nicholls DG, Soine WH, Duan S, Swanson RA. Barbiturates induce mitochondrial depolarization and potentiate excitotoxic neuronal death. J Neurosci. 22:9203-9209.(2002)  33.Xiang Y, Li Y., Zhang Z., Wang S., Yuan XB., Wu CP, Poo MM and Duan S*, Nerve growth cones guidance mediated by G-protein-coupled receptors. Nature Neuroscience, 5, 843 - 848 (2002)?  34.Duan S, Cooke IM, Glutamate and GABA activate different receptors and Cl (-) conductances in crab peptide-secretory neurons. J Neurophysiol 83: 31-37 (2000)?  35.Swanson R.A., Duan S., Regulation of glutamate transporter function (Review). Neuroscientist, 5: 280-282 (1999)  36.Duan S, Anderson CM, Stein BA, Swanson RA, Glutamate induces rapid upregulation of astrocyte glutamate transport and cell-surface expression of GLAST. J Neurosci 19:10193-10200 (1999)  37.Duan S, Cooke IM, Selective inhibition of transient K+ current by La3+ in crab peptide-secretory neurons. J Neurophysiol 81:1848-1855 (1999)?


1.COLD SPRING HARBOR ASIA CONFERENCES,Development, Function and Disease of Neural Circuits,October 21-25, 2013,Suzhou  2.Gordon Research Conference on “Glial Biology: Functional Interactions Among Glia & Neurons”, March, 2013, Ventura, CA (USA)  3.Gordon Research Conference Molecular & Cellular Neurobiology, June 17-22, 2012, Hong Kong  4.Gordon Research Conference on Myelin Feb 14-19, 2010,Ventura, USA  5.Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conferences, Francis Crick Symposium on Neuroscience, April 12 - 17, 2010, Suzhou, China  6.5th Congress of Federation of Asian and Oceanian Neuroscience Societies, Nov 25 u2013 28, 2010, November 25 u2013 28, 2010, Lucknow, India  7.The 9th European Meeting On Glial Cells In Health and Disease. 2009, September 8-12, Paris, France (Plenary Lecture)  8.International Symposium on Purinergic Signalling in New Strategy of Drug Discovery , July 23-25, 2009, Fukuoka, Japan?  9.Gordon Research Conference on “Glial Biology: Functional Interactions Among Glia & Neurons”, March 15-20, 2009, Ventura, CA (USA)  10.Gordon Research Conference on “Neurobiology of Brain Disorder ”, August 24-29, 2008, Oxford, United Kingdom?  11.Gordon Research Conference on “Molecular & Cellular Neurobiology ”, Jun 8-13, 2008, Hong Kong, China  12.Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting “Glia in Health & Disease”, July 17 - 21, 2008, Cold Spring Harbor (USA)  13.Gordon Research Conference on “Glial Biology: Functional Interactions Among Glia & Neurons”, March 11-16, 2007, Ventura, CA (USA)  14.Gordon Research Conference on “Excitatory Synapses and Brain Function” , June 10-15, 2007,Colby-Sawyer College in New London, New Hampshire (USA)  15.Gordon Research Conference on "Neurotrophic Factors", June 17-22, 2007, Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island  16.Symposium in the 7th IBRO WORLD CONGRESS OF NEUROSCIENCE: Purine mediated neuron-glia interactions: physiological and pathological relevance (Chair). Melbourne, Australia, 12-17 July, 2007.  17.Neuron-glia crosstalking in synaptic plasticity and neuronal signaling integrations. International symposium on Glial Activities in Neural Plasticity and Information Processing. Jan 2005, Tokyo  18.Gordon Research Conference (GRC), Glial Biology: Functional Interactions Among Glia and Neurons, March, 2005, Ventura, CA, USA  19.The 20th BIENNIAL MEETING of the International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN), Symposium: Glial cells as therapeutic targets for neurological disorders. Aug 2005, Innsbruck, Austria?

科研奖励 时间研究项目所获奖励及等级2010年胶质细胞新功能的研究国家自然科学二等奖?2006年中国基础研究十大新闻人才培养




段树民认为天赋固然重要,但坚持、投入和付出更重要 。

段树民对每个刚入学的新生说;“人们几乎不能原谅医生对病人犯错,所以做一个好医生不仅要有普渡众生的同情心,更要有高度的责任感和使命感” 。







时间兼职职务2008年至2013年中国人民政治协商会议第十一届全国委员会委员2013年至2018年中国人民政治协商会议第十二届全国委员会委员2018年3月至2023年3月中国人民政治协商会议第十三届全国委员会委员?2013年至2018年中国人民政治协商会议第十一届浙江省政协委员会委员2018年至中国人民政治协商会议第十二届浙江省政协委员会委员?中国神经科学学会理事长亚太神经科学学会主席?中国神经科学学会会刊主编《Neuroscience Bulletin》主编

《Journal Neurophysiology》编委

《Glia》主编《Hippocampus》主编《Neurobiology Disease》主编《Neurosci Bull》编委?


段树民长期在世界一流大学和研究机构工作,具有高深的学术造诣和广泛的学术影响 。(浙江大学校友总会评)

段树民为中国脑科学的快速发展,融入国际主流做出重要贡献? 。(浙江大学评)


段树民向中国献言献策,为中国在科技发展和人才的政策的制定和改善产生一定的影响? 。

2012年,在段树民的力推下及学校领导支持下,浙大医学院筹建成立转化医学研究院? 。

