
时间:2023-12-27 13:59:25编辑:小周


陈英凝(Emily Chan),公共卫生专家,香港中文大学公共卫生及基层医疗学院副教授,英国牛津大学荣誉研究员(突发传染病及应急防备),香港中文大学医学院助理院长、CCOUC灾害与人道救援研究所所长。


陈英凝(Emily Chan)




曾于卫生署卫生防护中心紧急应变及资讯处工作;2006年受聘为香港中文大学公共卫生及基层医疗学院助理教授,教学及研究的范围主要包括全球健康问题、灾难及人道危机及气候变化对健康的影响等,并计划将香港发展成为亚太区其中一个灾难管理培训的基地。2011年出任香港中文大学及英国牛津大学共同设立的灾害与人道救援研究所所长(CollaboratingCentre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical HumanitarianResponse, CCOUC)。研究所致力于推动在香港和亚太地区的灾害公共卫生及医疗救援方面的研究,教育及知识转移工作,项目包括建立并发展气候变化与健康研究小组及少数民族健康及防灾计划(2009-2014)。




灾难与人道危机(Disasterand Humanitarian Crisis)

气候变化与健康(ClimateChange and Health)

农村与少数民族地区的卫生与健康Ruraland Ethnic Minority Health

灾难,伤害和暴力流行病学(Disasters, Injury and Violence Epidemiology)

询证健康干预(Evidence-based interventions)

宏观因素对健康的影响(Macro-determinants of health (Globalization, Urbanization, Migration)

健康需求及干预效果评估方法(Health needs and intervention impactassessment methodologies)


2010/2011 香港中文大学公共卫生及基层医疗学院最佳教师奖

2010/2011 CUHK School of Public Healthand Primary Care Best Teacher Award

2007 Nobuo Maeda国际研究奖

2007 Nobuo Maeda International Research Award

2007 香港人道年奖

2007 Hong Kong Humanity Award

2005 世界医学协会世界关怀医生奖

2005 World Medical Association CaringPhysician of theWorld

2005 世界十大杰出青年奖

2005 World Ten Most Outstanding Person Award

2004 香港十大杰出青年奖

2004 Hong Kong Ten Most OutstandingPerson Award


1. EYY Chan Bottom Up disaster resilience. Nature Geoscience VOL 6 | MAY2013 327-328 Journal Impact Factor: 11.89

2. EYChan, WB Goggins, JSK Yue, P Lee, Hospital admissions as a function oftemperature, weather phenomena and pollution levels in an urban setting inChina. Bulletin of the World Health Organization (in press).JournalImpact Factor: 4.64; Rank: 9 of 157 (Public, Environmental and OccupationalHealth);

3. EYChan, WB Goggins, JJ Kim, SM Griffiths, A study of intracity variation oftemperature related mortality and socioeconomic status among the Chinesepopulation of Hong Kong. Journal of Epidemiology and CommunityHealth 2012;66(4):322-7. Journal Impact Factor: 3.043; Rank: 23/122(Public, Environmental and Occupational Health)

4. Chan,E.Y.Y., and Griffiths, S M. (2010) The epidemiology of mine accidentsin China. Lancet, Vol.376 No.9741, pp.575-577.JournalImpact Factor: 30.758(2010)

5. Chan,E.Y.Y., Griffiths, S.M., & Chan, C.W. (2008) The public health risk ofmelamine in milk products. Lancet, Vol. 372. No. 9648, pp. 1444-1445. JournalImpact factor: 30.758(2010)

6. Chan,E.Y.Y. (2008) The untold stories of Sichuan Earthquake, Lancet, Vol.372. No. 9636, pp.359-362. JournalImpact factor: 30.758

7. Chan,Y.Y.E., Gao, Y., and Griffiths, S. Meryl. (2009) "Literaturereview of health impact post-earthquakes in China1906-2007". Journal of Public Health , Vol 32, No. 1, pg52-61. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdp078. 2009.08.04 Journal Impactfactor: 2.1

8. Chan,E. Y. Y., Griffiths, Sian., Gao, Y., Chan, C. W., & Fok, T.F. (2010)Addressing disparities in childrenu2019s health in China Archives of Diseasein Childhood, 2008;93:346-352; doi:10.1136/adc.2007.130146 JournalImpact factor: 3.05

