时间:2024-01-01 14:26:10编辑:小周
男,1958年7月出生于福建省漳州市云霄县城,1982年7月毕业于厦门大学化学系,获理学学士,1987年7月毕业于石油大学炼制系,获工学硕士。原为中国石化抚顺研究院副总工程师,教授级高工,现为厦门大学化学化工学院化学系研究员,兼厦门大学化工厂总工程师。 方维平长期从事石油工业催化剂研发,并取得较大成绩。至今共获得省部级以上科技成果14项,其中主要的有国家科技进步一等奖1项, 国家科技进步二等奖1项,国家专利优秀奖2项,部级科技进步一等奖4项,在国内外申报专利68件,其中发明专利59件,已授权23件,在专业期刊上发表论文15篇。 由于在技术开发与应用方面的贡献,方维平所获得的主要荣誉有: 1994年,辽宁省青年科技先锋 1996年,全国“五q一”劳动奖章获得者 1998年,当选辽宁省人大代表 1999年,全国“百千万人才工程”一二层次入选者 2000年,全国劳动模范 2002年 福建省优秀专家 FANG WEI_PING,professor, was born in July,1958 in Xunxiao county,Zhangzhou city,Fujian province and graduated from the chemistry department of Xiamen University in July,1982 and from the refinery department of Oil University in July,1987. He has been engaged in the R & D of the commercial catalyst of oil refinery and wins 13 items of awards of science and technology issued by the state and SINOPEC ,applying 68 pieces of patents and publishes 13 papers. The main papers are as follows: 1. “ The R & D of hydrotreating catalysts ” ,Commercial Catalysis(Chinese),1996.1 2. “ Research of HDN catalyst for residue ” , Commercial Catalysis(Chinese),1997.2 3. “ Relation of activity to specific surface area and pore volume of a hydrofining catalyst ” , Commercial Catalysis(Chinese),1997.3 4. “Research of HDS catalyst for residue ” , Commercial Catalysis(Chinese),1998.1 5. “ Research on the enlarging-production of a hydrotreating ” , Commercial Catalysis(Chinese),1998.2