
时间:2024-01-02 22:21:44编辑:小周


崔男, 男,大学讲师,生于河北邯郸,,。1999年,毕业于河北师范大学美术系;

cui nan,male, the university teacher,born in Hebei Province ,China, Graduated from Hebei Normal university in 1999


1998 第三届全国风景河北作品展三等奖

1999. 个人作品展 河北美术馆

2000. 今日一家艺术联展

2004 少年心气艺术展何香凝美术馆

2005 视觉版本个人作品展 798

2005 798艺术联展

2006 宋庄第二届艺术展 宋庄

2006 境界艺术联展 宋庄上上美术馆

2006 艺术家群落艺术展 宋庄

2007 宋庄第三届艺术展 宋庄

2007 自由的翅膀联展 表现主义画廊

2007 靠岸艺术展 嫘苑画廊

2008 东区第二届油画邀请展


2008 视什么 当代五人艺术联展 北京酒厂67°画廊

2008 北京世纪名门当代名家邀请展

2008 北京唐人街艺术联展

2009 《精神高地》 艺术联展 北京杰森画廊

2009 《中国当代精神》 西雅图红星画廊 美国

2009 《100梦想 100艺术》 艺术联展 宋庄原创艺术区画廊

2009 《天真与经验》作品三人展 香港 Mischmasch画廊

1998, Third national scenery Hebei art show third prize1999 solo exhibition in Hebei art academy2000 an artistic joint exhibition “Today ”2004 Youth frame of mind art show in He Xiangning art museum2005 Solo exhibition "visual edition" in 798 3818 gallery2006 The Songzhuang second session of art show in Songzhuang2006 Artistic joint exhibition "Boundary" in sunshine art museum2006 Artist community art show in Songzhuang2007 The Songzhuang third session of art show in Songzhuang2007 Artistic joint exhibition "Free wing" in Expressionism gallery2007 Artistic joint exhibition "Approach shores" in Leiyuan gallery2008 Dongqu second session of art show in Songzhuang2008 Contemporary art literature exhibition2008 Artistic joint exhibition"what they see" in Jiuchuang 67°gallery2009 "High ground of Energetic" Artistic joint exhibition Jiesen gallery2009 " Present age spirit of China"Artistic joint exhibition Seattle Redstarpress gallery USA2009 "100 dreams 100artistes" Artistic joint exhibition Songzhuang2009 “innocence and experience”Artistic joint exhibition HongKong Mischmasch gallery


