布鲁诺曼托瓦尼(Bruno Mantovani)生于1974年10月8日,法国著名青年作曲家、音乐教育家、指挥家,现担任法国巴黎音乐学院院长。他曾研读音乐分析、音乐美学、配器、作曲与音乐史,并均摘得榜首毕业于巴黎音乐学院,又至位于蓬皮杜艺术中心的声学与音乐研究中心学习,之后展开了他在国际乐坛的职业生涯并与诸多名家名团合作,如当代著名中提琴大师齐尔曼、著名作曲家、指挥家布列兹、美国芝加哥交响乐团、德国法兰克福广播交响乐团。
管弦乐队作品 Art d’écho, for orchestra, 2000Con Leggerezza, for orchestra, 2004Concerto pour deux altos et orchestre, for two violas and orchestra, 2009Concerto pour deux pianos, for two pianos and orchestra 2012Concerto pour violoncelle, for cello and orchestra, 2005Fantaisie, for piano and orchestra, 2010Finale, for orchestra, 2007Jeux d’eau, for violin and orchestra, 2011Le Cycle des gris, for orchestra, 2005Le Livre des illusions, for orchestra, 2009Mit Ausdruck, for bass clarinet and orchestra, 2003On the dance floor, for orchestra, 20036 Piècesfor orchestra, 2005Postludium, for orchestra, 2010Siddharta, ballet, 2010Smatroll (Le Lutin), for orchestra, 2010Time Stretch (on gesualdo), for orchestra, 2006Upon one note, for orchestra, 2011Zapping, for flute and orchestra, 2004合奏作品 ...273..., for 17 musicians, 2010Concerto de chambre no.1, for 17 musicians, 2010Concerto de chambre no.2, for 6 musicians, 20102 Contrepoints de l’Art de la Fugue, for 7 cellos, 2007D’un rêve parti, for sextet, 2000Eclair de Lune, for three ensembles and electronics, 2007Le Sette Chiese, for large ensemble, 2002Les Danses interrompues, for 6 instruments, 2001Par la suite, for flute and ensemble, 2002Série Noire, for 14 instruments, 2000Si près, si loin (d’une fantaisie), for two pianos and two ensembles, 2007Spirit of Alberti, for ensemble, 2013Streets, for ensemble, 2006Troisième Round, for saxophone and ensemble, 2001Turbulences, for 12 musicians, 1998室内乐作品 All’ungarese, for violin and piano, 2009Appel d’air, for flute and piano, 2001Blue girl with red wagon, for string quartet and piano, 2005D’une seule voix, for violin and cello, 2007Da Roma, for clarinet, viola and piano, 2005East side, west side, for five instruments, 2003Face à face, for four clarinets, 2010Happy B., for flute, violin, viola and cello, 2005Haunted Nights, for clarinet, piano and vibraphone, 2002Hopla, for flute and boules de pétanque, 2010Icare, for two pianos, 2009L’Ere de rien, for flute, clarinet and piano, 2002L’Incandescence de la bruine, for saxophone and piano, 1997METAL, for two clarinets, 20038 Moments musicaux, for violin, cello and piano, 20085 Pièces pour Paul Klee, for cello and piano, 20074 Pièces pour quatuor à cordes, (Bleu, les Fées, L’Ivresse, BWV 1007), 2005Quelques effervescences, for viola and piano, 2006Quintette, for 2 violins, 2 violas and cello, 2013Quintette pour Bertold Brecht, for harp and string quartet, 2007Un mois d’octobre, for bassoon and piano, 2001Un Souffle, for flute and 4 percussions, 2005Une autre incandescencefor clarinet, viola and piano 1998Until, for 3 cellos, 2010You are connected, for string trio, 2001独奏作品 8’20" chrono, for accordion, 2007Bug, for clarinet, 1999Dédale, for piano, 2009Entre Parenthèses, for piano, 20064 Etudes, for piano, 2003Früh, for flute, 2001Happy hours, for violin, 2007Italienne, for piano, 2001Jazz Connotation, for piano, 1998Le Grand jeu, for percussion and electronics, 1999Le Livre de Jeb, for piano, 2009Little Italy, for viola, 20054 Mélodies arméniennes, for flute, 2010Moi jeu..., for marimba, 1999One-Way, for cello, 2012Suonare, for piano, 2006The worst of, for piano, 2013Tocar, for harp, 2007Trait d’union, for clarinet, 2007合唱音乐与歌剧作品 Akhmatova, opera premiered atOpera Bastille, 2011Cantate No.1, for chorus and ensemble, 2006Cantate No.2 (sur G. Leopardi), for soprano and clarinet, 2008Cantate No.3 (sur Friedrich von Schiller), for chorus and orchestra, 2012Cantate No.4, for cello, accordion and chorus, 2013Das erschafft der Dichter nicht, for soprano and ensemble, 2002L’Autre c?té, opera, 2006La Morte Meditata, for mezzo-soprano and ensemble, 2000L’Enterrement de Mozart, for 5 voices and ensemble, 2008Monde évanoui (Fragments pour Babylone), for chorus, 20085 Poèmes de Janos Pilinsky, for chamber chorus, 2005Vier Geistliche Gedichte, for chamber chorus, 2007作品评价
Thiollet, Jean-Pierre,Sax,Mule& Co, Paris, H & D, 2004, "Bruno Mantovani", p.147-148.Humbertclaude Eric,Empreintes: regards sur la création musicale contemporaine, Paris, Lu2019Harmattan, 2008, pp.9u201314.ISBN 978-2-296-06979-4。获得荣誉
1.Starting in 2010 he began an extended collaboration with the Paris Opera (the balletSiddharta, and an opera based on the life of Russian poet Anna Akhmatova in 2011, a violin concerto for Renaud Capu?on and Philippe Jordan in 2012, a trio in 2014).
2.Inspired by the relationships linking music with other forms of artistic expression, he has collaborated with novelists Hubert Nyssen and Eric Reinhardt, librettists Christophe Ghristi and Fran?ois Regnault, chef Ferran Adrià, choreographers Jean-Christophe Maillot and Angelin Preljocaj, and film maker Pierre Coulibeuf. His work is often a reflection on the history of Western music (Bach, Gesualdo, Rameau, Schubert, Schumann) or popular forms (jazz, Eastern music).
3.Bruno Mantovani is also a conductor, and regularly conducts contemporary music ensembles (Accentus, Alternance, Cepheus, Intercontemporain, Sospeso, TM+) as well as the National Orchestra of Lille.