
时间:2024-01-13 11:24:38编辑:小周


范新民,男,汉族,1962年12月出生,美国佛蒙特大学医学博士,病理学教授,硕士研究生导师 。








2000-2003: 任美国康州哈特福医院外科病理和细胞病理专科医师。


2010-今: 任深圳大学医学部病理学教授。

2014-今: 任深圳大学医学部医学部副主任(分管教学)。


1. Ou Sha, Wenqi Jiang, Miao Xie, Xinmin Fan, Zhigang Liu. Teaching histology and embryology in English in the medical school of Shenzhen. IFAA Aug 2014, Ann Anat

2. Tianshun Xie, Taraneh Afnan-Holmes, Miao Xie, Zhigang Liu, Xinmin Fan, Wing-Hang Kwong, and Ou Sha. Cooperation between Histology and English Teaching Staffs in Shenzhen University, China. IFAA Aug 2014, Ann Anat

3.. Automation-assisted cervical cancer screening in manual liquid-based cytology with hematoxylin and eosin staining.Cytometry Part A 12/2013

4. Zhe Jin, Zhenfu Zhao, Yulan Cheng, Ming Dong, Xiaojing Zhang, Liang Wang, Xinmin Fan, Xianling Feng, Yuriko Mori and Stephen J Meltzer. Endoglin Promoter Hypermethylation Identifies a Field Defect in Human Primary Esophageal Cancer. Cancer, 2013 Oct 15;119(20):3604-9.

5. Jin Z (corresponding author), Wang L, Zhang Y, Cheng Y, Gao Y, Feng X, Dong M, Cao Z, Chen S, Yu H, Zhao Z, Zhang X, Liu J, Mori Y, Fan X, Meltzer SJ. MAL hypermethylation is a tissue-specific event that correlates with MAL mRNA expression in esophageal carcinoma. Sci Rep. 2013 Oct 3;3:2838.

6. Jin Z (corresponding author), Feng X, Jian Q, Cheng Y, Gao Y, Zhang X, Wang L, Zhang Y, Huang W, Fan X, Chen S, Yu H, Zhao Z, Dong M, Liu J, Mori Y, Meltzer SJ. Aberrant Methylation of the Ras-related Associated with Diabetes Gene in Human Primary Esophageal Cancer. Anticancer Res. 2013 Nov;33(11):5199-203.

7. Yang C, Mo X, Lv J, Liu X, Yuan M, Dong M, Li L, Luo X, Fan XM, Jin Z, Liu Z Liu J. Lipopolysaccharide enhances FcsRI-mediated mast cell degranulation by increasing Caentry through store-operated Cachannels: implications for lipopolysaccharide exacerbating allergic asthma.Exp Physiol2012; 97: 1315-1327.

8. Fan XM, Hendly ED, Forehand CJ. Enhanced vascular neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive innervation in two hypertensive rat strains.Hypertension.1995 Nov;26(5):758-63.

9. Castanon N, Hendley ED, Fan XM. Psychoneuroendocrine profile associated with hypertension or hyperactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats.Am J Physiol.1993 Dec;265 (6 Pt 2):R1304-10.

10. Hendley ED, Fan XM. Regional differences in brain norepinephrine and dopamine uptake kinetics in inbred rat strains with hypertension and/or hyperactivity.Brain Res.1992 Jul 17;586(1):44-52.

11. Lu ZL, Shi YF, Fan XM. Ectopic ACTH syndrome caused by bronchial carcinoid.Zhonghua Nei Ke Za Zhi.1989 Nov;28(11):642-5, 699.

12.. 范新民、李铁、张席锦、王志均 降钙素基因相关肽对失血(休克)-再输血诱发胃粘膜损伤的保护作用,中华消化杂志1988,9(3):145

13. 李兆萍、范新民、唐朝枢、汤健降钙素基因相关肽对缺血心肌细胞的保护作用, 北京大学学报(医学版);1988年04期326

14. 范新民、陆召麟 β-促脂素放免测定的初步临床应用, 中华内分泌代谢杂志 1989, 5 (2): 77

15. 范新民、陆召麟、史铁繁 POMC相关肽分子存在形式的研究, 中华内分泌代谢杂志 1988, 4(4): 195

16. 范新民、陆召麟 前阿黑皮素(POMC)相关肽的分子形式不均一性, 国外医学 1987,6: 122

