
时间:2024-01-13 15:01:31编辑:小周





2002-2006 上海交通大学,电气工程及其自动化,学士

2011-2015 (美国)伊利诺伊理工大学,电气工程,博士

2015-2016 (美国)西门子(PTI),电力系统规划及风电接入规划

2016-2019 (美国)中西部电力系统独立运行商(MISO),EMS系统建模与分析

2019.3-至今 湖南大学,电气与信息工程学院,教授


“国家电能变换与控制工程技术研究中心”骨干成员、? 长沙市“四青”人才入选者、湖南大学岳麓学者、东华软件青年学者、Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE)等SCI期刊编委、IEEE Member。


师从美国工程院院士/IEEE Fellow: Mohammad Shahidehpour教授。 作为核心人员参与实施了美国能源部微网及多微网集群系列项目,获美国广播公司(ABC)、路透社(Reuters)和经济学人杂志( The Economist )等数十家世界知名媒体报道,被 ABC 和路透社分别评价为 “可成为国家标准”和“对高可靠智能电网的完整展示”。在美国先后任职于西门子(PTI电力咨询 )和美国中西部电力系统独立运行商( MISO ),研究领域包括电力系统运行安全、信息物理安全、新能源接入以及电力市场。以第一作者在 TSG和 TPWRS等IEEE会刊发表论文数十篇,合计被引近千次,一篇ESI高被引论文,两次荣获IEEE最佳论文奖、IEEE-TSG最佳审稿专家奖。与美国多家知名大学教授、各个国家实验室(National Lab)、电力系统独立运行商(ISO)以及行业内世界知名公司保持了密切合作关系。



[J1] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Zuyi Li, “Mitigating False Data Attacks Induced Overloads using a

Corrective Dispatch Scheme," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018 (Online Access)

[J2] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Zuyi Li, “Fast Screening of High-Risk Lines under False Data

Injection Attacks," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018 (Online Access)

[J3] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Zhikang Shuai, Junbo Zhao, “The Impact of Ramp-Induced Data

Attacks on Power System Operational Security," IEEE Transactions on Industrial

Informatics, 2019 (Online Access)

[J4] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Zhikang Shuai, “Transmission Overloads Mitigation Following

Disturbances in Power Systems," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018

(Online Access)

[J5] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Xin Zhu, Mingjian Cui, Zuyi Li, “Assessment of Dispatch Intervals

in Power Systems with High Wind Penetration," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable

Energy, 2018 (Online Access)

[J6] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Tao Ding, Zuyi Li, “Revealing Impacts of Cyber Attacks on Power

Grids Vulnerability to Cascading Failures," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems,

2018 (Online Access)

[J7] Yunfeng Wen, C.Y. Chung, Xuan Liu, Liang Che, “Microgrid Dispatch with Frequency-

Aware Islanding Constraints," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019

(Online Access)

[J8] Liang Che, Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Adaptive Formation of Microgrids With Mobile

Emergency Resources for Critical Service Restoration in Extreme Conditions, ?" IEEE

Transactions on Power Systems, vol.34, no.1, pp.742-753, 2019

[J9] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Zuyi Li, “Screening Hidden N- k Line Contingencies in Smart Grids

Using a Multi-Stage Model," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.10, no.2, pp.1280-

1289, 2019

[J10] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Yunfeng Wen, Zuyi Li, “A Mixed Integer Programming Model for

Evaluating the Hidden Probabilities of N-k Line Contingencies in Smart Grids," IEEE

Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.10, no.1, pp.1036-1045, 2019

[J11] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Zuyi Li, Yunfeng Wen, “False Data Injection Attacks Induced

Sequential Outages in Power Systems," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.34,

no.2, pp.1513-1523, 2019

[J12] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Xin Zhu, Yunfeng Wen, Zuyi Li, “Intra-Interval Security Based

Dispatch for Power Systems With High Wind Penetration," IEEE Transactions on Power

Systems, vol.34, no.2, pp.1243-1255, 2019

[J13] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Yunfeng Wen, Zuyi Li, “Identification of Cascading Failure

Initiated by Hidden Multiple-Branch Contingency," IEEE Transactions on Reliability,

vol.68, no.1, pp.149-160, 2019

[J14] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Zuyi Li, “An Intrainterval Security Risk Regarding Regulation

Burden Due to Wind Variation in High-Wind-Penetrated Power Systems," IEEE

Transactions on Power Systems, vol.33, no.3, pp.3213-3216, 2018

[J15] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Zhikang Shuai, Zuyi Li, Yunfeng Wen, “Cyber Cascades Screening

Considering the Impacts of False Data Injection Attacks," IEEE Transactions on Power

Systems, vol.33, no.6, pp.6545-6556, 2018

[J16] Liang Che, Xuan Liu, Zuyi Li, “Preventive Mitigation Strategy for the Hidden N-k Line

Contingencies in Power Systems," IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol.67, no.3,

pp.1060-1070, 2018

[J17] Liang Che, Xiaping Zhang, Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Optimal Planning of Loop-Based

Microgrid Topology," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.8, no.4, pp.1771-1781, 2017

[J18] Liang Che, Xiaping Zhang, Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Optimal Interconnection Planning

of Community Microgrids With Renewable Energy Sources," IEEE Transactions on

Smart Grid, vol.8, no.3, pp.1054-1063, 2017

[J19] Xiaping Zhang, Liang Che, Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Reliability-Based Optimal

Planning of Electricity and Natural Gas Interconnections for Multiple Energy Hubs,

" IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol.8, no.4, pp.1658-1667, 2017

[J20] Xiaping Zhang, Liang Che, Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Electricity-Natural Gas Operation

Planning With Hourly Demand Response for Deployment of Flexible Ramp," IEEE

Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol.7, no.3, pp.996-1004, 2016

[J21] Liang Che, Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Hierarchical Coordination of a Community

Microgrid With AC and DC Microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,

vol.6, no.6, pp.3042-3051, 2015

[J22] Liang Che, Mohammad Shahidehpour, “DC Microgrids: Economic Operation and

Enhancement of Resilience by Hierarchical Control," IEEE Transactions on Smart

Grid, vol.5, no.5, pp.2517-2526, 2014

[J23] Liang Che, Mohammad Khodayar, Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Only Connect:

Microgrids for Distribution System Restoration," IEEE Power and Energy Magazine,

vol.12, no.1, pp.70-81, 2014

[J24] Liang Che, Mohammad E. Khodayar, Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Adaptive Protection

System for Microgrids: Protection Practices of a Functional Microgrid System," IEEE

Electrification Magazine, vol.2, no.1, pp.66-80, 2014

[C1] Liang Che, Xiaping Zhang, Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Resilience Enhancement with

DC Microgrids," IEEE PES General Meeting, Denver, CO, U.S.A., 2015.

(Best Conference Paper)

[C2] Liang Che, Xiaping Zhang, Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Communication-assisted

hierarchical Protection Strategy for High-reliability Microgrids," IEEE PES General

Meeting, Denver, CO, U.S.A., 2015.

[C3] Liang Che, Xiaping Zhang, Zhiyi Li, “A comparative Study of Preventive

Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow” IEEE PES General Meeting, Boston,

MA, U.S.A., 2016.

[C4] Xiaping Zhang, Liang Che, Mohammad Shahidehpour, “Long-term Expansion Planning

of Integrated Electricity and Natural Gas Transportation Infrastructures," IEEE PES

General Meeting, Denver, CO, U.S.A., 2015 (Best Conference Paper)

