
时间:2024-01-16 16:45:57编辑:小周


单而芳,男,1965年10月生, 河北石家庄人。上海大学管理学院教授,博士生导师,美国《数学评论》评论员,国际期刊《Journal of Discrete Mathematics》编委,上海市重点学科“运筹学与控制论”核心团队成员。



2002, 6--2002, 7在韩国国立昌原大学进行合作研究;2004, 4--2004, 6在香港理工大学应用数学系进行合作研究;2006,06--2008, 06在香港理工大学工商管理学院物流系做博士后研究工作。




在《中国科学》、《Discrete Applied Mathematics》、《Discrete Mathematics》、《J. Graph、Theory》、《Networks》、《Computers and Mathematics with Applications》和《Information Sciences》等重要学术期刊发表论文70余篇,其中被SCI检索的论文50余篇。





4、国家自然科学基金重点资助项目:复杂网络动力学与控制及其在航空航天中的应用” (批准号:10832006,2009,1-2012,12,210万),负责子课题:“图论建模和网络拓扑分析”.



1、Dingguo Wang,Erfang Shan, The signed maximum-clique transversal number of regular graphs,International Journal of Computer Mathematics89(6) (2012), 741-751. (通讯作者)

2、Shenwei Huang,Erfang Shan, Liying Kang, Perfect matchings in paired domination vertex critical graphs,Journal of Combinatorial Optimization23 (2012) 507u2013518.

3、Hechao Wang,Erfang Shan,Wei Wang, On the super connectivity of Kronecker products of graphs,Information Processing Letters112 (2012) 402u2013405. (通讯作者)

4、ErfangShan, Yanxia Dong, The k-tuple twin domination in generalized de Bruijn and Kautz networks,Computers and Mathematics with Applications63 (2012) 222u2013227. (通讯作者)

5、Liang Zuosong,Erfang Shan, Approximation algorithms for clique-transversals and clique-independent sets in cubic graphs,Information Processing Letters111 (2011) 1104u20131107.(通讯作者).

6、Shenwei Huang,Erfang Shan, A note on the upper bound for the paired-domination number of a graph with minimum degree at least two,Networks57 (2) (2011), 115--116.(通讯作者).

7、Erfang Shan, Liying Kang, Clique-transversal sets in 4-regular claw-free graphs,Acta Mathematica Sinica, 27(5) (2011), 883-890.Erfang Shan, Haichao Wang, Claw-free cubic graphs with clique-transversal number one-half their order,Applied Mathematics Letters24 (2011) 1080u20131083.Mingjing Gao,

8、Erfang Shan, The signed total domination number of graphs,Ars Combinatoria98 (2011), 15-24. (通讯作者)

9、Zhiwei Zhuo,Erfang Shan, A Weighted Evolving Network with Community Size Preferential Attachment,Communications in Theoretical Physics54(11) (2010), 813-818. (通讯作者).

10、Lingye Wu,Erfang Shan, Zengrong Liu, On the k-tuple domination of generalized de Brujin and Kautz digraphs,Information Sciences180 (2010) 4430u20134435.(通讯作者).

11、Guangjun Xu,Erfang Shan, Min Zhao, Clique domination in graphs,Ars Combinatoria97A (2010), 169--180.

12、Haichao Wang, Liying Kang,Erfang Shan, Signed clique-transversal functions in graphs,International Journal of Computer Mathematics87 (11) (2010) 2398--2407 (通讯作者).

13、Yancai Zhao,Erfang Shan, Weiliang Zhao, Several domination numbers of a complete multipartite graph,Utilitas Mathematica81 (2010), 99--120. (通讯作者).

14、Hongxing Jiang, Liying Kang,Erfang Shan, Graphs with large total restrained domination number,Utilitas Mathematica81 (2010), 53-63. (通讯作者).

15、Hongxing Jiang,Erfang Shan, Outer-connected domination in graphs,Utilitas Mathematica81 (2010), 265-274. (通讯作者).

16、Haichao Wang,Erfang Shan, Some matching properties in 4-$gamma_{imes 2}$-critical graphs,Computers and Mathematics with Applications59 (2010), 694-699.(通讯作者).

17、Haichao Wang, Liying Kang,Erfang Shan, Matching properties in total domination vertex critical graphs,Graphs and Combinatorics.25 (2010), 851u2013861.(通讯作者)

18、Yancai Zhao,Erfang Shan, On characterization of uniquely 3-list colorable complete multipartite graphs,Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory30(1) (2010), 105-114.



